Nevermore US setlist?

forgot my login said:
Right after TGE. Warrel said that they were going to play something off TGE again, something more upbeat. My friend yelled out "Sentient 6!", and Warrel replied with "No, no, no! That song is too boring!" and gave us a smile and told us he was joking.

I knew there was something else I was missing....damn....yeah add final product in there.
Doors opened slightly after 8, I believe. We got out of the venue at just after 1ish. Almost missed the last bus home from Toronto to Hamilton heh.
I had my fingers crossed for Beyond Within, but no dice. Can't win them all, I suppose. I was pretty happy that they added some songs from the previous nights' setlists.

Also, they had Precognition play as they were coming out, but it was a recording.