nevermore is good, i just HATE their vocals. ive never liked warrels style of singing. alexi cant sing either, i will say, but.....nevermore's vocals are just ANNOYING. it just ruins the music for me. thats my only problem with nevermore
My name kinda explains it. Musically, lyrically, vocally nevermore hit every nail on the head for me, love 'em to bits and cant get enough.
loomis is infinitely cleaner than alexi, and doesn't use the whammy as a crutch when he can't come up with an interesting lick(he uses diminished instead :lol: :Spin: )

Final_Product said:
My name kinda explains it. Musically, lyrically, vocally nevermore hit every nail on the head for me, love 'em to bits and cant get enough.

the lead work in final product is second to none. especially the diminished lick :Spin:
Hey let's play the "compare-ever-band-artist-guitarist-vocalist-album with AYDY" game, Elysian, care to be the host?

Who the fuck cares if an album is better than AYDY, who cares who's a better guitarist than Alexi, who cares who has the bigger penis, why don't stop comparing everything that comes out of the market to Children of Bodom or AYDY. If you like it, good for you, if you don't, arguing on the internet isn't going to make the album any better, so if you think AYDY is shit, oh well nothing you can do about it, just suck it up and wait to hear what the next album is. This shit is fucking ridiculous(sp).
Nevermore's singer has trouble hitting notes live I hear, everything i've heard on recordings of Nevermore was decent, but i'm not a fan of the style. It's not exactly perfect for the music. Jeff Loomis is infinately better than Laiho by far... Passage to The Reaper? WTF, not even challenging. Roope's even playing the harder part. Loomis doesn't play repetative pentatonics like Alexi does live.
GhostOfPerdition said:
Nevermore's singer has trouble hitting notes live I hear, everything i've heard on recordings of Nevermore was decent, but i'm not a fan of the style. It's not exactly perfect for the music. Jeff Loomis is infinately better than Laiho by far... Passage to The Reaper? WTF, not even challenging. Roope's even playing the harder part. Loomis doesn't play repetative pentatonics like Alexi does live.
when i saw nevermore open for type o, warrel had no problems hitting anything, i was front row the whole time they were on, he's also an incredible showman, the guy knows how to work the crowd
GhostOfPerdition said:
Nevermore's singer has trouble hitting notes live I hear, everything i've heard on recordings of Nevermore was decent, but i'm not a fan of the style. It's not exactly perfect for the music. Jeff Loomis is infinately better than Laiho by far... Passage to The Reaper? WTF, not even challenging. Roope's even playing the harder part. Loomis doesn't play repetative pentatonics like Alexi does live.

Laiho has his own style, Loomis is pretty much just a wanker (Somewhere along the lines of Malmsteen say)

so based on that Laiho > Loomis.

Having your own style is not something that can be teached or learned, it doesn't have to do with playing fast or crazy/seemingly impossible licks, it has to come natural, and this can't be matched by anyone else.

Listen to Santana per say, is it really that hard? Noooo, but get the idea?
Wings of a dream said:
Laiho has his own style, Loomis is pretty much just a wanker (Somewhere along the lines of Malmsteen say)

so based on that Laiho > Loomis.

Having your own style is not something that can be teached or learned, it doesn't have to do with playing fast or crazy/seemingly impossible licks, it has to come natural, and this can't be matched by anyone else.

Listen to Santana per say, is it really that hard? Noooo, but get the idea?
laiho is a wanker compared to santana... actually, laiho is just a wanker, he doesn't do anything different from any other wanker, he even does a lot of whammy.