Nevermore's best album?

Which is the best Nevermore album?

  • Nevermore

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Politics of Ecstacy

    Votes: 9 9.3%
  • Dreaming Neon Black

    Votes: 29 29.9%
  • Dead Heart In A Dead World

    Votes: 15 15.5%
  • Enemies of Reality

    Votes: 7 7.2%
  • This Godless Endeavor

    Votes: 40 41.2%

  • Total voters
Dreaming Neon Black - One of the most incredibly emotional albums I've ever owned. Every song flows together perfectly, and it tells a story (literally) that'll boggle your mind. The music is incredible, and the lyrics are of equal incredibleness.

Politics of Ecstasy - Want thrash but it's too gay for ya? This is Nevermore's 'Dark Thrash' album, I'd say. Twist and turns from melodic to aggressive and technical. Such a great album.
I think it is. Some of those who are PoE junkies claim it too soft, but give it a shot and see if it pleases you.
Dreaming Neon Black isn’t that great to me. I do feel the emotion in it, but I think they pulled it off better in later albums. In my opinion Nevermore were at their peak with Dead Heart In A Dead World & Enemies Of Reality, but since EOR has less votes I’ll vote EOR.

& DHIADW is an awesome album. It’s got a great atmosphere to it, good production & every member of the band is in top form. I reckon it could’ve done without Insignificant though, because there’s maybe one too many mellow tracks on it, but there’s still plenty of fucking heavy tracks to balance it out.
i think each release is absolutely superb, but i voted for TGE
because every single song is just fuckn great.....
other bands would be happy to write only one like those....
TGE .. it really shows the bands versatility. They mixed it all up into 1 Audio Masterpiece. Its got the Melody and Melancholyness of the early stuff like In Memory politics and the Self titled.

Its got the grinding heaviness of DHIADW and EOR.

And its got the emotional tugs of DNB ...

This in my opinion is their finest album.
It's really hard to say what Nevermore's best album truely is. To me, POE/DNB/TGE are all very close to eachother, but when it comes down to it.. I'm going to have to say Dreaming Neon Black. It hits me harder than any other one of their albums. Emotions, musicianship, lyrics, vocals! It's all there, neatly packaged in a nice little album cover. Second Nevermore album I bought, too.
Dead heart had some great tracks, ones that I can listen to over and over again, but at the same time they had some tracks that grow old faster than anything else they have written. I mean, how many times can you listen to Beleive in Nothing, Narcosynthesis, or Inside 4 Walls?
I'm not bashing any of these songs, but in my opinion, these are some songs that, if my cell phone rings in the car, I dont replay the track when I hang up. Where as songs like Insignificant, or The River Dragon, I tend to want to hear all the way through, sometimes again.
I pretty much love them all. But my top 2 are Dead Heart and Godless Endeavor.