nevermores videos. what the fuck is this shit

Sep 8, 2003
dayton ohio
someone explain to me the believe in nothing video. other than the chicks cleavage, that was retarded. and what the fuck is the final product about???? is that the same old man from the metallica video? i wondered what he was up to nowadays.

the enemies of reality video was cool. as far as i voyager goes, if they want to get away from being pigeonholed with all those queer power metal bands like rhapsody, they shouldnt have filmed it in a castle.

so where can i see the videos from what tomorrow knows and next in line? did sanctuary have any videos?
I know they are probably really unpopular here, but there is a Mushroomhead video I really like with a scarecrow who sucks at his job because his head just isnt freaky enough. It's got a very travis-smith-esque style to it which I think is great. Wasnt involved was he? Anyway there's no "fake playing" footage in it, seen too much of it in music videos already, it does get a bit tedious.
metallicasucksponypenis said:
someone explain to me the believe in nothing video. other than the chicks cleavage, that was retarded. and what the fuck is the final product about???? is that the same old man from the metallica video? i wondered what he was up to nowadays.

the enemies of reality video was cool. as far as i voyager goes, if they want to get away from being pigeonholed with all those queer power metal bands like rhapsody, they shouldnt have filmed it in a castle.

so where can i see the videos from what tomorrow knows and next in line? did sanctuary have any videos?

I used to have both of those videos...IIRC both involve a chain link fense and lots of closeups of warrel singing.

and yes Sanctuary does have a video, its black and white...I can't remember the song title though. I wanna say Into the Mirror Black. Its just the band playing in some forest (no not like IMmortal). It's been a while since I've seen all 3 of those videos....and I can't seem to locate them on the 'net rightnow. I"ll keep looking.
I Voyager video is my favorite of all time. It's a fucking video, get over it. What the fuck do you want another lame ass 5 minutes of the band headbanging? Fuck that. I agree about the Beleive In Nothing video, it's pretty stupid and the woman on there isnt that attractive. Forgive my language I'm a bit pissed off
i like the enemies of reality video, even though they cut out the intro solo... one of my fav Loomis solos. Regardless, the cleavagy chick in that vid is pretty hot (though only when not eating worms).
hahah Reub!
i kinda like the Believe in Nothing video..i like stark and black and white for music gives dimension into the song i think..
I, Voyager is odd but i love it! something about it...:D
i havent seen the Final Product one yet..
the_drip said:
I used to have both of those videos...IIRC both involve a chain link fense and lots of closeups of warrel singing.

and yes Sanctuary does have a video, its black and white...I can't remember the song title though. I wanna say Into the Mirror Black. Its just the band playing in some forest (no not like IMmortal). It's been a while since I've seen all 3 of those videos....and I can't seem to locate them on the 'net rightnow. I"ll keep looking.

Just to set things Straight, the Sanctuary video was for Future Tense, it was in the desert and in color.

metallicasucksponypenis said:
someone explain to me the believe in nothing video. other than the chicks cleavage, that was retarded. and what the fuck is the final product about???? is that the same old man from the metallica video? i wondered what he was up to nowadays.

the enemies of reality video was cool. as far as i voyager goes, if they want to get away from being pigeonholed with all those queer power metal bands like rhapsody, they shouldnt have filmed it in a castle.

so where can i see the videos from what tomorrow knows and next in line? did sanctuary have any videos?
thread shouldve been called "metal videos: what the fuck is this shit" becuase almost all metal videos are just the band playing with random other scary/gory/destructive footage or random artsy footage. they dont have enough $$$ for cool effects and plots an shit. all the best music videos ive seen were non-metal.
the phish said:
i like the enemies of reality video, even though they cut out the intro solo... one of my fav Loomis solos. Regardless, the cleavagy chick in that vid is pretty hot (though only when not eating worms).

Yeah. Hot redheads win.
DreamNeonBlack said:
Just to set things Straight, the Sanctuary video was for Future Tense, it was in the desert and in color.


hehe, I absolutely lurve this video..
Its just so cute! :dopey:

What with the desert leather and dust kicking...what else could you want??
As for the Nevermore videos, I'm not sure which one is my favorite.