What the fuck is all this "Jannet" shit?


Pixel Manipulator
May 1, 2001
Vancouver, Canada
Greetings everybody,

I've been reading a bunch of threads recently and noted that metalmancpa hasn't been around to play "Forum Daddy", and apparently as a result, everything has seemingly fallen apart. Although, with all of the childish namecalling that's been going on, I wouldn't be surprised if he gave up...

Thus, I have one question:

What the fuck is all this "Jannet" shit?

Has one person managed to cause such a ruckus that the civility of the entire forum has disintegrated? Since it's inception, the Opeth forum has long been a haven of free speech, community, rational discussion, intellectualism, and common sense. I suppose now I understand why it is that I don't post as often here anymore.

I commend Belial for starting a thread addressing the issue, but am rather appalled to find that 15 people wish to kick someone off the forum. Furthermore, calls of hate? Polls on who's the bigger cunt? Is this all just facetious and I'm missing the joke here, or are people's proverbial feathers this ruffled?

Remember HATEBRINGER? He was ignored, and went away.

I don't know what Jannet has said or done to piss everyone off so much, but I'm going to infer a few possibilities.

a) She's being needlessly antagonistic, which is easy to ignore
b) She's misunderstood, and the responses have been needlessly hostile
c) She's so off the wall people don't know what to make of her, and they get dragged into arguments with her before they realize how low they've sunk
d) ...I don't know what else.

a quote from Belial's thread:

(Jannet has) Gotten into argument after argument with people here. Most notably Sullen Jester, Misanthrope, Wolff, Lina, Trapped, and even myself.
Wolff? Wolff is the consummate "fuck it up for the fun and drama of it" antagonist himself, he'd love the tension.

Has she actually gotten under your skin, or are you just playing as always?

Lina? Lina backs down from nobody, but is smart enough to know when it's not worth it.

Is Jannet worth it? Help me here - what is all of this?

I don't really know who Jannet is or what she's about and maybe if I did I'd understand, but in the meantime I'm left wondering how so many intelligent, rational people could care so much about something so petty.

I, too, agree with Tenebrose and Opet.

I suppose I'm delaying the whole thing by creating yet ANOTHER thread on it, (for which I apologize) but I'm hoping that maybe with a little kick here, common sense may prevail, and it'll be the last one.

I think I'd almost prefer nobody respond to this just so it's buried as fast as possible, but I would like to know.

I apologize, incidentally, if I come off as arrogant, ignorant, or elitist, but I think those of you who this is addressed to know me better than that.
I think the tension around the Jannet issue stems from simple hard-headedness on both sides. Jannet has a similar quality to Lina, to put it in your words. "Lina backs down from nobody, but is smart enough to know when it's not worth it."

Jannet has this quality, except she doesn't know when it isn't worth it, she keeps coming at you over and over and never lets it go. She also has a tendancy to liberally add insults and curses to her rebukes which taunt people to reply (angrily) to her. She also has a hard time accepting the opinions of others or considering the words of others in an argument. Instead she holds steadfast to her point of view and stubbornly refuses to budge.

On the flip side of the coin, the people of this forum have a hard time recognizing and accepting that individual quality in Jannet, and hold stradfast to their opinion that all people should be open-minded. Even I am guilty of this train of thought. I agree that in an ideal world everyone would be open-minded, but this isn't an ideal world.

And therein lies the conflict. Notably between Trapped, Sullen Jester, and Jannet. Those two couldn't accept the fact that Jannet is hard-headed that way and tried over and over to break through her shell, these attempts were viewed as attacks by Jannet, who defended herself. A fight ensued, the board was thrown into a state of tension and chaos, and now we have a whole bunch of Anti-Jannet posts.

It took me a while to realize this, as I wasn't at my peak during the argument last night because I was so tired.

I wouldn't worry too much about it, Hoser. The blunt of the tension seems to have passed, and things seem to be calming down.
I've been here - but this is a little different than what happened around the holidays.

A lot of you fell into the trap of defending yourselves against someone who has quite a strong opinion of their beliefs being correct. We all believe in some sense that we are right and the rest of the world is wrong. So why did so many get sucked into something you face everyday? I figured this would go away - so my "Daddy" instinct didn't kick in.:grin:
Its nice to see that it didnt kicked in otherwise i would have to call you an elitist son of a bitch ala hellspawner who does nothing but fucking bitch every goddamn time something is not the way he wants.

There is yet another opinion on wich im strong about, yet im not shut down to hell about it it just looks too damn convenient that virtually every goddamn person that complains about the forum or a particular user or the state fo the forum happens to have the May2001 tag under its avatar, its no coincidence is a old timers club and is sad that they succeed at what they do pushing ultimate metal to do stupid statements like doing 2 forums and censoring/deleting some of the threads.

In short shut the fuck up you may2001 faggot, go away to whatever the fuck you where you were, Im really fed up with "the forum is crap lets do a secret meeting to discuss the situation" attitute and not having the balls to just come out and saying with the usual " it wasnt directed at you" and "im not elitist it was just better before" ( o yesh before when new people was not around yea im buying that ) or "Mikael and Opeth are shurely disappointed not every goddamn fan of their acts and talks like a cheese philosopher"
Originally posted by Misanthrope
"Mikael and Opeth are shurely disappointed not every goddamn fan of their acts and talks like a cheese philosopher"
Cheese is subjective. Your opinion of cheese might not be valid to me, because we both are the centre of our own individual universes.
I personally haven't had a problem with anyone on this forum, and I think it's ridiculous that people are getting so pissed over WORDS! Remember the old addage that ends "and words will never hurt me"? Don't let the civility of this board disappear, as I enjoy the friendly, intelligent discussions found herein.

I like cheese.

Actually, I'd be pretty ashamed if Mikael and the boys were browsing the forums right now.

Anyway, the jannet will pass. She'll either leave, or stay... and things will return to normal.

They will return to normal

*starts rocking on the floor mumbling*
they will return to normal they will return to normal they will return to normal they will return to normal...
Originally posted by Misanthrope
*slaps with the infamous hammering moss*

Come back to your senses woman!


I was away for 2 days.. let alone having to catch up on 7 pages of new posts.. (~Dies~).. All this Jannet shit has sprung up..
What the hell is going on?
In my time of being here.. (which is not as long as some of the rest).. I have not seen a person affect the boards, such as Jannet...

Is this Opeth Boards' armeggeddon...?
~Twilight zone music appears from no where...~

NO... it's not..
I can safely say that we are all smarter than to let this person ruin the boards for the rest of us...
~Nods wisely...~

Oh my.. Im a nutter..! :err:
Originally posted by Kushantaiidan
I like cheese.

Actually, I'd be pretty ashamed if Mikael and the boys were browsing the forums right now.

Anyway, the jannet will pass. She'll either leave, or stay... and things will return to normal.

They will return to normal

*starts rocking on the floor mumbling*
they will return to normal they will return to normal they will return to normal they will return to normal...


Oh my god, you really suck, I don´t think Mikael is cursing right now for the stupidity of three fans, and he will problably adress you on the next show, " I´m really ashamed of you kush and the Opeth community as a whole, you are not quite reaching the Opeth intelligence"

I can imagine you people in a histerical state: "oh my, oh my what does mikael think of me, I have to be intellectual"

Come on this is really, really, really stupid