Jannet's influence on the forum.

What do you think of Jannet?

  • Janet's an OK gal. I got no problems with her and the heat she's getting is seriously unfair.

    Votes: 10 21.3%
  • Jannet really needs to lighten up and relax. I'll accept her when she modifies her attitude.

    Votes: 8 17.0%
  • Jannet should get the hell out of here as soon as possible. She's caused enough tension and chaos.

    Votes: 19 40.4%
  • Who's Jannet?

    Votes: 12 25.5%

  • Total voters


Rainbow Demon
Nov 18, 2001
Shoikan Grove
Since this whole Jannet conflict appears to be calming (at least for now) since she (seemingly) signed off, I finally have the peace of mind to rest easy, without fear of missing something important.

I am not here to judge Jannet, merely point out how her presense has effected the forum and use this poll to ask your opinion on her so she, I, and everyone knows where we all stand.

Why devote such a thread to Jannet? Because in her short time here she had done incredible things, and an incredible person such as herself warrents a thread of this nature.

In her time here she has successfully.
  • Become at odds with nearly everyone here.
  • Gotten into argument after argument with people here. Most notably Sullen Jester, Misanthrope, Wolff, Lina, Trapped, and even myself.
  • Made an incredible number of posts in a short time. I'm still amazed and I commend her for having such a high post frequency.
  • She also ignored some people on the board. This action seems to be the catalyst of a real Anti-Jannet thing among those ignored. It has even gotten to the point where Kushantaiidan demanded Jannet to leave. Such blatant inhospitality is truly rare in the Opeth forum.

What do you think of these events? Again, I am not judging or going against anyone, I am merely telling it like I see it as an objective observer.

Anyway, I'm going to bed, and I mean it this time!
I had tried to clear the air between Jannet and myself, but she ignored my post, and assumed "where I was going with it" and began her campaign of idiocy and censorship.

Until that point, I had decided that she was:

  • Nice
  • Talkative
  • Intelligent

Now, from recent posts, I have deduced that she is:

  • Joseph Geobbels
  • Ignorant
  • Misunderstanding
  • Elitist
  • An obstruction to forms of freedom

Thus, she is now hated - yes hated - not by my alter egos, but by me, the one that hates.

And hates.

And hates.
I didn't want to give the appearance that I was "taking sides" or that I was against anyone, seriously, but there are some things I cannot stand in people.

Such as her censorship.

She must have worked for Hitler in a past life.

I mwanted to see that. I've been to one of the camps. And sat in on of their "cutting up dead peaple" trays, and saw lotsa photo's of body parts.

I vomitted there.

And I needed more vomiting, and I missed it.

I'm half german.. =)
JESUS! What the! I left yesterday afternoon and everything was...OK. I come back this morning and it's Jannet this and Jannet that. What the hell have you guys been up to all night?? Better question: What the hell has Jannet been up to all night?? Wow. What's this "anti-Opeth" that she's become? What happened? Well, this is only the second thread I've read today. I'll find out.

You kids been fighting all night until you ran Jannet away? Where's Poppa? I'm tellin'. DaaaaaAAAAAAADDDD! :p I had to say it.

Yes, she did affect people in a negative way pretty fast. I did get a little irked after reading a few of her posts. I would have preferred that she maybe started a little less up in front, but that's me. I guess that's just her nature to speak her mind...about everything...no matter what.

"Elastic meadow, endless arms of sorrow.
Lips try to form "because."
You people care way too much. Sure, I can see why people are pissed off, but lets stop making thread after thread after thread on what a bitch Jannet is, shall we? It just takes time and gives her attention.

If you really hate a person, ignore him/her. There's nothing more annoying (and eventually destructive) to a human being than being completely ignored.

Tenbrose: "...lets stop making thread after thread after thread on what a bitch Jannet is, shall we? It just takes time and gives her attention."

Listen to the women. It makes complete sense. Sure, some don't stop with just a simple ignore, but some do. Otherwise it's only fueling the fire.

"I gaze, dim ricochet of stars.
I reckon it is time for me to leave."
With her unfair attitude, assumptions and insults

THIS IS FUNNY. FUNNY FUNNY FUNNY. Am I the only one seeing how everyone else's unfair attitude, assumptions, and insults towards me are being blatantly ignored? Can SOMEONE please go through the threads and find these anti-Jannet insults please...oh wait a minute - they're fucking EVERYWHERE!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....
I promised myself that I wouldn't get involved with any of this business in a direct way but, after seeing this poll, I feel compelled to interject my perspective.

We're a lucky group of people here. We have a common interest in a band and a style of music which brings us together, many of us on a daily basis. Beyond that point we have always felt comfortable to express our thoughts and feelings on a wide variety of subjects with each other on this forum. Granted, we run into conflicting views from time to time and, yes, there are some people who post challenges to just about every viewpoint presented. That's what solid, well intentioned conversation and debate is all about. Over the months that I have been here, I have seen many debates get heated but generally remain civil. This is the first time that I have seen anyone come here and cause this kind of reaction from not just a disagree-ing individual but several of the forum's members.

There are two great things about being in a Internet forum. The first is that, when confronted with opinions that differ from our own, we are free to choose our battles. Sometimes it is the best tactic simply to choose not to get involved in a debate or to quit when you feel you have sufficiently made your point. There does come a point where some people are so steadfast in their own frame of mind on a issue that, no matter how hard you try to get your point across, it does one absolutely no good to pursue the matter further than you already have. In some cases people are not going to budge, for whatever reasons they may have. All that comes from going too far in such a case is hostility and resentment.

The other great thing about being in a Internet forum is, when we do choose to get involved deeply in these discussions, we can choose our words carefully and be well thought out when we hit the submit reply button. It's a advantage you don't normally have in direct verbal conversation. Rather than lash out with a knee-jerk reaction and say something that even you don't really mean, you can make your point clearly, distinctively, and with a sense of purpose. This, in turn, leads to a good debate and gives both sides something to really ponder upon reflection.

Thus far, from what I have observed from the posts in certain threads by Jannet and some of the people whos ire she has raised, it appears that all sides involved are letting immediate emotion rule over better judgement. It has become a matter of "he said this" and "she said that" and the obligitory "he/she started it" type of accusitory banter. On this forum, there has always been a decorum between rival positions that, when someone gets in the others face about something, the general response is to reply without resorting to child-like behavior and show a combination of courtesy and, when appropriate, humor. This usually difuses the situation.

Now we have come to the point where we have this poll. A poll which, for all intent and purpose, appears to be a "should she stay or should she go" voting ballot. For the record, I did not vote either way. There's a part of me that dislikes this but I also see the democratic side. It's better to make this sort of thing a community decision and not just run off to the moderator behind everyone's back. However, I'm not taking sides. There are several antagonists involved here. It's just a sad fact that you've all managed to bring it to this point. A bit of decorum, brevity, and better selection of both words and arguments could have kept the situation from coming to this.

I love coming here and I genuinely like many of the people whom I see here regularly. I want to see this forum continue to grow and mature as well as the people here. Many of our conversations do a great deal in adding to that maturation. I have been given food for thought on many topics and have, in some cases, been greatly affected in the way I view some issues thanks to the various intelligent and well-informed viewpoints I read. Let's not allow ourselves to give that up. Every storm, no matter how intense, does eventually pass.
Analog kid, thank you for putting it in that fashion. I WILL BE the better person, since I'm most likely older than most people on this forum, but I've been acting like a prepubescent punky brewster lately. If I keep getting flamed at by a certain person, I will put on ignore. If I make an opinion and for some reason my point doesn't get across, I'll try to make my point, but if it's not being understood, no matter how hard I try, I'll just leave it alone. That's IT. NO more posting idiot threads. No more arguing or fighting. Enough said.
As they say down here, Case Closed with a kitten:

Cute. And I apologize for writing that poem dedicated to you and calling your mother a prostitute. I'm sure you didn't care regardless, and you mighta gotten a giggle from the poem, but as a person that has realized what a nasty bitch she's been LATELY, I feel I owe you an apology.