Neverworld Reviews


GALNERLYUS / The Flag of Punishment
SEVENTH SEAL / The black dragon's Eyes
ABLAZE / Grand Tears of Stigmata
SILENTIUM / Hamartia Of Prudence
AZREAL / Sunrise In The Dreamland
ILLNATH / Cast into Fields of Evil Pleasure
ELIS / God's Silence,Devil's Temptation

Not exactly a review....but cool nonetheless!
From Scream Magazine, Norwegian metal mag. :

"Frontiers Records moves sometimes away from the traditional melodic hardrock, and that's positive in my opinion, becuase it's great with some variation on this label. Now they have signed the british power metal act Power Quest, and this is their second album. Their debut was released on Underground Records.
Anyway, let's talk about Neverworld. I have to admit that I fell for this album right away. Power Quest has clearly taken a big step forward since their debut "Wings of Forever", which also was a good album but way to ordinary. Karl Groom from Threshold stands by the way for the production, which has a crystal clear sound and I can't find anything to complain about here.
Power Quest plays power metal in the vein of Stratovarius, Gamma Ray etc, with triumphant catchy choruses and so on. They remind me of their countrymen Dragonforce from time to time, especially the very very fast parts, but there is much more variation in the metal Power Quest plays. The songmaterial on Neverworld is very good and performed with class. So my conclusion is clear ; A must buy for fans of melodic power metal."

Frode Øien (editor)

Frode Øiens playlist :

Tesla - Into the now
"this is going to be a classic!"
Power Quest - Neverworld
"Great melodic power. Better than Dragonforce!"
Rose Tattoo - All the lessons
"Just gotta love this"
UFO - You are here
"the old heroes are still alive!"
Mayhem - Chimera
"Black metal classic"

...Translated by WW
Symphony said:
Awesome WW! Thanks for posting that. Do you happen to know where I might be able to get a copy of Scream magazine?
No I'm sorry Steve, I don't think I can help you with that. Scream is in norwegian and only available in Norway. They have a website though that is under constant construction. There will be alot more reviews and stuff on the site in the near future, and I think it all will be posted in both Norwegian and English.
WeekendWarrior said:
I think we all are interested in that heavenly. I know I am anyway, hehe

Well, this is the interview made by Steve W for www.seigneursdumetalcom :

1) Can you tell us who composes the songs in the band ? Is it one guy or all the band ?

Sure. The songwriting so far has mainly been done by me but all the guys contribute to the arrangement of the songs and the solo sections. On the Neverworld album there is a song written by Steve Scott and also one that Steve and I wrote together. Alessio and Andrea also wrote the song " Find the Way to the Top ", which is one of the Japanese bonus tracks. Also, on the " Wings of Forever " album there was a song written by our original guitarist Adam Bickers and one written by Sam Totman.

2) Somebody knows that there is old Dragonheart’s members in Power Quest and we can feel some influences.

Yes, both Steve Scott and myself are former members of DragonHeart/DragonForce so I guess it is only natural that there were similarities between the bands initially. I think that the new album shows Power Quest to be quite a different entity though. There is much more variety in the Neverworld album and I think this is partly due to the fact that the keyboard is a main instrument like the guitar, and not just a backing instrument. I think as time goes by the Power Quest sound will continue to evolve.

3) Between the first and the second album, " you have changed " our label.

Yeah, we changed from Underground Symphony to Now and Then/Frontiers. The main reason was that we felt we needed more promotion and wider distribution for the band. I should say though that we are very grateful to Maurizio at Underground Symphony for everything he did for Power Quest as without him we would never have met Alessio and Andrea. It will be very interesting to see how the relationship develops with the new label.

4) Neverworld is the second album of Power Quest, and it was available in Japan since a long time (novembre/ decembre ?). Why this choice ?

I should point out that it wasn’t the band who chose to release the album in Japan back in October 2003. This was purely a matter between our label and Marquee/Avalon in Japan. If it had been my choice then the two releases would have been closer together so the European fans wouldn’t have to wait so long for the album.

5) On the end of the first song " Neverworld - PQ Part2 " there is a part to remind us the PQ Part 1. This is really cool…

I’m glad you noticed that and you like it as well. The idea seemed to come quite naturally and I think it’s cool, almost like a reprise of a theme in a classical piece of music. An idea that is found quite often in progressive metal/rock.

6) There is two different editions of Neverworld : the Japanese one which got two bonus tracks and the european one which got a multimedia pist. Why ? Is this just a commercial reason ?

It is often the case these days that the Japanese release will get extra tracks. This seems to be almost record company politics and I don’t claim to fully understand the reasoning behind it. We felt that if the Japanese release was going to have extra tracks then we should do something special for the European release as well, which is why we decided on the multimedia section with interviews, studio footage and other extras. It is very difficult to keep everyone happy all of the time though as many fans have asked if we will be making the Japanese bonus songs available on a European release. Maybe in the future perhaps ?

7) You have a guest on your album : Sabine Edelsbacher from Edenbridge. Why have you choose her ?

I have been friends with Lanvall from Edenbridge for a couple of years and I’m a big fan the band, so when I was thinking of a female voice to duet with Alessio on the song " Lost without You " Sabine was the first name I thought of. Both of them came over to England and Sabine recorded some great parts for that song and also for the ballad " When I’m Gone ". The other Japanese bonus track sees Sabine taking the lead vocal on " When I’m Gone ". It was really cool to meet and work with Sabine and hopefully we will be able to work together in the future

8) Last year you played at bloodstock festival, you made and ‘ll make a UK headliner tour. It sounds great ! When will you play in France ?

The UK tour was great fun last year and the Bloodstock festival was amazing. The fans were unbelievable. We spent a long time in the signing session afterwards and it was great to listen to people say that they really enjoyed our show. I hope we can return to Bloodstock next year perhaps ? We will be on tour in June with Intense and Mercury Rain and then in September with Threshold and Balance of Power. At the moment these are only UK shows but I’m hoping that we can get over to see you in France dude and also the rest of Europe as well ! I can’t wait !

9) This is the end of the interview , feel free to said what you want :

Thanks for asking me to take part in this interview Lionel and thank you for your great support over the past 2 or 3 years. I’d also like to take the chance to say thank you to all the melodic metal fans in France…..we really appreciate it guys and we can’t wait to bring " the Quest " to a town near you ! Cheers !

Thanks to Asano for sending this in, although they seem a bit confused about it being the debut album!
By George!!

POWER QUEST / Neverworld

POWER QUEST seem to be the first 'real' Power Metal band from the UK out
there since their style definitely can be more compared to Scandinavian
outfits suchs as MAJESTIC, SPACE ODYSSEY or STRATOVARIUS than to
other typical British bands. Italian shouter Alessio Garavello's performance
is a point that might cause some controverse discussions though as you'll
really need to like high pitched vocals as well to dig him. Not everyone's
taste! The band shows it's real strengths in the more unique moments, i.e.
on less speedy affairs such as the TNT reminiscent & "Edge Of Time"
for example. Overall a solid debut CD which should suit fans of the above
mentioned bands but nothing new under the sun.
Customer review from

Which one of you lovely Yorkshire residents was it eh?

For too long the UK has had a lack of real metal talent. I mean, look at Europe and you have the likes of Sonata Arctica, Stratovarius, Edguy, Blind Guardian, Nightwish etc. Well, it's about time we caught up with them and there is a band who could make that breakthrough. So, here is the highly anticipated follow up to the impressive debut album 'Wings of Forever'. The UK's very own Power Quest has seen changes since then with the addition of Andrea Martongelli on guitars and Andre Bargmann does the drums on this album. Musically there are some notable differences aswell. this is not your typical generic power metal album. There are progressive elements and some classic hard rock influences thrown in here too.

Opening with title track 'Neverworld' it really gets off to flying start with a typical Euro-styled power metal anthem complete with a huge chorus. 'Temple of Fire ' carries on in the same way and is probably the catchiest song on the album and it sounds great live too. 'Edge of Time' is where the group make their first deparure from their previous material. Anyone remember 'Jump' by Van Halen? Well, listen to the intro to this track and you'll be instantly reminded. Yes, this is a classic hard rock song of epic proportions. 'Sacred Land' is up next and this is another fast and catchy song that will stick in your head for days. Next is the ballad 'When I'm Gone' and this is really is a stunning piece building up into a very memorable and moving song. 'For Evermore' is my tip to be a fan favourite when played live. The song is simply full of energy and is definitely among my favourites. Next up is 'Well of Souls' which has a great atmosphere and I like this song more everytime I hear it. On track 8 'Into the Light' bassist Steve Scott shows he can also write some great music, and it's a very nice song too, being instantly appealing and catchy. It's the final track 'Lost Without You' which sees the biggest departure for the band. This ten minute masterpiece has a very progressive feel and also features the talents of Edenbrige's stunning vocalist Sabine Edelsbacher duetting with Alessio Garavello to incredible effect. It's a great way to end the album and one can only wonder just how Power Quest are not already a household name. To sum it up, the band have taken an immense step forward. This album really has it all. Keyboardist Steve Williams again shows his incredible talent at writing catchy and powerful metal anthems. Put simply, if you like melodic/symphonic Power Metal then you owe it to yourself to check out this band. Power Quest, together with Dragonforce are going to make a huge impact on the metal scene this year.