New Accept video..... Teutonic Terror


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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The legend is back and is as good as ever.


From the Accept forum :

MySpace isn’t the only social website feeling the “Teutonic Terror” from the brand new video from the German Heavy Metal Band ACCEPT. The band premiered their first video in 10 years, crashing their MySpace site and their band’s website as longtime fans of the band clambered to get a look at the video for their new song “Teutonic Terror”. One Turkish fan having seen the video entered ACCEPT pwns (meaning owns, or rules in online terms) into the update box on Twitter, only to find out that someone named @pwns was now following him on Twitter. Both the Twitter story and the video spread like wildfire across the internet as the unlikely worlds of Heavy Metal Music and technology blogs including Gizmodo, Mashable, and Blabbermouth picked the story and spread it faster than a metal guitar riff. Gizmodo and Mashable detailed very simple explanations telling their readers how to exploit the security hole, Blabbermouth focused on the fire, tanks and carnage of the video, and Twitter went into panic mode and to fix the “Accept Bug” by resetting everyone’s followers back to zero. That’s everyone. Now Ashton Kutcher has as many friends as the rest of us… for now

I'll be buying this for sure now. Why on Earth does it come out in September though? That's still 4 months away. Sheesh.

I liked Accept back in the day, but didn't pay as close attention as some. I thought everything up to and including Balls to the Wall was brilliant. I don't know the first thing about U.D.O., but what snippets I've heard did not draw me in. I'm not as invested as some, but I have no problem with a new singer, and this guy has an Udo vibe, but definitely has his own thing going too. This new stuff reminds me of modern Saxon - old school vibe with new school production.
I'll be buying this for sure now. Why on Earth does it come out in September though? That's still 4 months away. Sheesh.

I liked Accept back in the day, but didn't pay as close attention as some. I thought everything up to and including Balls to the Wall was brilliant. I don't know the first thing about U.D.O., but what snippets I've heard did not draw me in. I'm not as invested as some, but I have no problem with a new singer, and this guy has an Udo vibe, but definitely has his own thing going too. This new stuff reminds me of modern Saxon - old school vibe with new school production.

Have you heard "Metal Heart" ? It was released right after BttW and is my personal fave. As far as UDO is concerned, the first release, "Animal House" was actually written by Accept so it sounds very.... well... Acceptish.
Accept might very well be in position to be even more famous than they were in their prime. They have already crashed two websites and reset Twitter followers. If they can put out a release full of songs as good as the first two and Mark's voice can hold up through a long tour....... these guys can even pick up young fans.

I'm not really convinced, rather avarage song to my taste. imo the earlier released teaser had a much better song than this (think it was "Abyss" or so...)
1st listen started off average but by the end of the song they had my attention. 2nd view was pretty damn enjoyable from start to finish! Add this to the earlier preview they offered from the studio & I'm sold.:kickass::headbang:
Indeed, the songs grows on you. And I suspect this will be the same with the album.

I must say I can't wait to hear the album.
It's kinda irritating only hearing new material via videos. Wish they'd just put the ep on iTunes. I suspect the label is holding off until a opening slot is sorted out for a high profile act (Ozzy?). Or, a North American club tour is announced. Man. If only they got the Maiden summer tour. Great show in NYC last week though!