New Akercocke

I've heard a few tracks from MySpace, and I liked what I heard. Mind you, I liked Chronozon, so whether you take my opinion or not is up to you.
Ok, thanks. I appreciate the input. Haven't been on for a few days, so I never responded.

I thought Choronzon was ok, I just really didn't like the vocals. They kinda got on my nerves. It wasn't really that I don't like growling, it was more like I didn't like it because it was so indistinguishable
I posted about this when it first came out. Got more of a response then, from all the tits that think Akercocke are gay because they get good reviews.

The new album is fucking excellent, better than Choronzon mainly because there's a lot less "atmosperic" stuff - just songs, and good ones at that.
Buy it, love it, wank over it.