Is it vindicating seeing you two go full fanboy over that record, spouting as much horseshit as I may have about my own fanboyed records? Yes, it very much so is. You give sooooo much shit to IF fanboys, that this has to be carmic justice. Sounds NOTHING like Clayman, all right, all right. Keep telling yourself that madness.
I have no idea what you mean by this, honestly it sounds a bit unhinged.
It does sound extremely cheap. Listen to any properly mixed record and you will hear it. Once again nostalgia is being your achilles heel, and you are willing to die on the hill that TJR doesn't sound cheaply recorded. A fucking pseudo-demo record of pretty much nobodies in the early 90s. But no, you won't tolerte such slander. Maybe listen to Colony some, and get a feel for a clean, proper, not cheaped out mix.
Production and mix could be better, but you're going way overboard here. If you just reigned in the exaggerations your posts would be far easier to process.
Yes, I did find it boring, but I am seemingly capable of something you are not: changing opinions. I'm very far down on the list of people with this capability, but me outperforming you guys in this area is a really bad sign. It's like being outrun by a snail. You personally did have some second-thoughts about ASOP, so credit where its due.
Problem with you is that you come in so strong with your opinions that it obviously seems ridiculous when you do an about-face. You show no hint of contrition until the day you change your mind, then act like it's fine and we should forget everything you said before. That isn't how things work.
In regards to changing my mind on things - try TCP (live), Wallflower, STYE and parts of SC in the last year or so alone. All documented somewhere in this thread or one of the others.
Don't argue semantics. Fucking put in the title track from DotL and listen to it at least until the chorus finishes. Staright up Colony and Clayman. But tell me it ain't so. Tell me you are not hearing it. Write it down that you do not think DotL's bridge sound A N Y T H I N G like Swim's main riff. Tell me it doesn't start out like Embody the Invisible. Tell me you don't see the similarities in the verses with Episode 666, especially if you grab those runaways melodic harmonies from the riffs and structure them like DotL, so not riff-melody-riff-melody, but riff-riff-melody-melody. Not sure where I would place the chorus, because IF choruses are so heavy with Anders that it is hard to recall which song should I use as the best example for the similarities with the instrumental part.
What you're describing here is melodic death metal as a genre. In Flames are not the genre, they didn't create nor were they the only band to ever play it. This just reads like you've never listened to any MDM bands outside of In Flames from the late 90s/early 00s, because they were all doing similar things. Structurally especially MDM isn't a genre known for massive experimentation - most of the music produced is fairly straightforward in format. You get the odd band here or there who shake things up a little, but by and large MDM is a very safe genre with some common traits across the board. Bands branching outside of that are usually labelled as something else.
Sure, THE aren't doing anything unique or experimental,
but if they were then they wouldn't be MDM! Not in the traditional sense, anyway. That's not what any of us are looking for from that band, and you can't seem to wrap your head around that simple idea. We wanted traditional, safe MDM from THE and that is what we got, something fresh but recognisable. What you're saying is, even though THE gave most of us exactly what we wanted, we should rate it as 5 or 6/10 because ... otherwise we might be labelled fanboys? Bro, I don't care. If I love something I'll say so, I don't give a shit what anyone else thinks. The same if I think something sucks or is just average.