Didn't Bjorn admit he and Jesper know nothing about how to read music?
Apparently neither Björn nor Jesper know much about music theory. I found this post I initially made in 2019:
btw, a few days ago I was reading the book "100 greatest metal guitarists" by Joel McIver. I noticed Björn was ranked #34. Niclas and Jesper didn't make the list (or if they did, I managed to completely miss it.)
Here's the main part:
"Björn doesn't consider himself a good player. When I interviewed him in 2008 he said 'I don't know any scales save for the E minor scale and the pentatonic one. We just play whatever sounds good over the rhythmic parts. I am not very spontaneous in my solos, because I have to think them through and arrange them. Even though sometimes they may sound improvised, but they aren't. I am not some Chris Amott, Alexi Laiho or Zakk Wylde who just make stuff up as they go and somehow it always rocks. I have to think about things and write them down on paper.'
He adds: 'Jesper has a great understanding for melodies, it's almost insane how good he's at rearranging the rhytmic parts. He knows music theory even less than I do, and I practically don't know anything about it. He can barely even tune his guitar - that's something I at least am able to do. I have been forced to work on my speed and technique because I've took up playing solos since the last couple of records, but Jesper hasn't done that because there has not been a need to. We're not the most technical or progressive guitarists, even though we like it when music sounds progressive.'
This is a rather good overview of In Flames's attitude - or of lack of any consistent attitude. Gelotte and Strömblad want to expand their musical expression on every new release. It doesn't matter that deep down it's a death metal band, they just might take any direction they feel like taking. Gelotte doesn't have much technical knowledge, but his ability to play fluent solos is apparent, and he's helped in that by his choice of guitar: Gibson Les Paul and its EMG 85 microphones. The guitar gives out a warm, thick sound, which supplies sensitivity for harmonic solos played together with Strömblad, and enough power for the hard riffing parts."
It was mentioned that In Flames received the "Swedish Music Export" prize in 2006 and that it was at least partially because of Gelotte's songwriting skills. And that whatever direction they take with their albums, some people are always complaining, usually about the same issues. (Now that's surprising... I mean, at least no-one of us has been doing this, right?

Björn also said he suffers from nickel allergy, and it was a long haul to find nickel-free electric guitar strings. Before he finally found suitable strings he used to attach contact lenses to his fingertips with super glue to prevent bleeding blisters from developing. 'The only problem with that workaround was that it took two months to get them removed.'