New album Foregone out February 2023

Come clarity wouldn't even be come clarity if it wasn't for computers spelling the other titles suggested wrong
It seriously grew on me. I'm a big fan of some of those guitar lines (that isolated, non-harmonized riff before the last chorus, the lead guitar in the chorus itself, the rhythm guitars during the solos) and I've got to sit down and learn them.
Lots of stuff going on over here...

This is gonna get me some heat. I can't wait to see Jester Slave's dick get stuck in his zipper. TJR has a fantastic mix on it. In fact, I think it is one of the most nicely mixed albums that IF has. Mixing and production are super subjective though. I saw an argument on Reddit recently that Colony's mixing is 'perfect', which I couldn't disagree with more. The low end is a complete muddy mess. In fact, I think Colony is one of their worst sounding albums. Don't get me wrong, I love the album, but the mixing could be miles better.

This brings me to something I can't believe I'm going to say, but about the only thing these new IF singles have over Days of the Lost (IN MY OPINION) is the mixing. I have to say that I love modern production values. DoTL's mix is a bit flat and the drums especially aren't mixed very well. Again, love the album but if there is one low point for me, it's that. I know that modern mixing techniques get shit on pretty regularly by audiophiles, but I really do love it. Everything is so crisp and clean. The kick drums especially on albums these days sound way better.

But that is one point I have to make; the kick on TJR sounds excellent. To me, it is the best sounding IF album, certainly of the classics. Even Whoracle, which I also love, struggles in the mixing department. Colony is bad. Clayman is decent -- I think they missed an opportunity to give that album a true remaster (not even full remix) to fix some issues... but of course they didn't. In fact, I believe they didn't even touch it and just told people they did.

RTR and STYE are pretty bad, certainly STYE. CC is ok, but still suffers. Really, production and mixing has always been a weak point for IF to me. I guess you can say it's consistent. But unfortunately it's consistently bad. To my ears, that is. I would love to hear an IF album completely remixed by Zeuss or someone like Andy Sneap.
I don't have any issues with the production from DOTL. I can hear like six different guitars, the drums and the bass quite clear. But, if course, that's about personal taste.

It's still far away from Clayman that is, for me, the peak of their production and mixing. But, I feel like, these days, when it comes to metal, they don't care that much about production and mixing or they're doing it a bit moody on purpose.
I think that, an issue I'm seeing lately,bis that digital recording and production sounds far worse when it was analogic. Albums 20 years ago had better sound than they do nowadays I'd wish that they go back to using proper equipment.
TJR production has a few weak points, but I have to say whenever I listen to songs from that album I never even consider the production/mixing being a problem in any way. I think it sounds fine. Whoracle, on the other hand, I have considered difficult to listen to at times due to the production/mixing. I also consider Clayman the peak of IF sound, with everything after it being very mixed. My favourite production post-Clayman is probably SOAPF, just because I think it really fits the vibe they were going for. I love listening to those songs.

As I mentioned previously, DotL sound does not bother me at all. Again, I simply don't think about the production or mix when listening to the songs. There's nothing so bad that it distracts me in any way. I appreciate everyone is different in that regard, though.

:D That dude is either never going to post here again, or if he does, will never live that down.

Usually these fellows appear, have their say and then vanish never to be heard from again. Occasionally they do stick around though, as Slave and Ciko did, but we'll see. I hope that once the lad realises we aren't all IF elitists and most of us do like a decent amount of the post-Clayman catalogue he'll check back and engage with less anger, but if he doesn't he will certainly have left a legacy that will be fondly remembered.
But that's because:

1. Slave is not a leecher.
2. He doesn't take his and our opinions about music in a personal way. I mean, he doesn't take our criticism as a personal attack. Too many people feel offended about opinions that don't match theirs as if they have some special connection to the music.

Then, the fact that someone considers that we must hate a band just shows how attached they are to the band. How can we hate or love people that we don't know? We can love their music, like their music, dislike their music and even hate their music (I personally hate battles) but that's just it.
Idk man, Slave literally said we were facing karmic justice for our stance on DotL, so I think he does take it somewhat personally :D as per my sig he also admitted to basically wanting to murder me at one point.
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That's because of his urge to always be on the right. It's not about music. He just cannot stand people having a different opinion (Slave, it's just a joke).
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I'm disappointed as Slave had been a lot more chill since he realised we were right and TJR is awesome and new IF is pretty shit. Then recently a regression to the days of pre-meditated murder.
Yo @SunOfMyth , don't delete your posts bro, that just makes it look like I responded to nothing :D keep 'em up and throw hands with anyone challenging you. Slave and Ciko still have way more ridiculous posts up.
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Yo, all of mine are pure gold dust. Especially the ones where I'm praising Amaranthe and Black Veil Brides.
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Yo @SunOfMyth , don't delete your posts bro, that just makes it look like I responded to nothing :D keep 'em up and throw hands with anyone challenging you. Slave and Ciko still have way more ridiculous posts up.

Well, at least I'm not joining to a circle jerk when I hear Jesper name on anywhere. I've seen quite ridiculous things with you and eochaid. Most ridiculous one was the you guys listened a pop band just because he was in it :D @SunOfMyth has a good reason to explode like that seen all the bullshit around. Not a good way to introduce yourself though :D
Scrolling through the forum, I just saw the last album topic. It has 5,591 replies, 248,976 views. Pretty good numbers I must say since we're still using forum at 2023. :D This thread has way less, I guess we're losing blood cause you guys shitting on new users. :D :D