What kind of reductionist argument is this? It is a metal site, therefore representative of the target audience?! And who said it is a return to rootz material? Only the reviewers hyped it up; Anders and co. said they combined older elements and wanted a heavier record, and it is indeed their heaviest since ASOP.
No, a metal site is not representative of metal fans. Are you guys following every single metal or IF fan club? Are you even following every single media output (music, movies, video games) you like and take part in such polls? Of course not. Most people are casual. Most people's identity does not depend on this shit. This logical fallacy is seen all around in reddit for example. Long story short, a subreddit which subscriber count is like 0,5% of the total users of said Application, is fuming about recent changes about that App. "Why don't they listen to us???? Clearly everyone is upset about these changes!!!" Motherfucker, you are vocal minority of the 0,5% to begin with; your opinion means jackshit.
The same thing applies to a poll on a FInnish metal site. What do you think the average age on this board is? Yes, ~20 years ago internet boards were the shit; the Forum Romanum of even the most casual internet users. Today it is but a playground fading. We are a minority (of everyone who likes In Flames), of a minority (of everyone who are willing to engage in any online media about the band) of a minority (who are willing to post replies, argue about things and not) of a minority (who are using ancient fucking sites like this). We are only representitve of a very minor fraction of people who like IF, but without even opening the "rank your favorite IF record thread" I can guarantee you that there are a bunch of rankings there which are not in harmony at all. So even us, a tiny fraction of people who like IF can't even agree about everything.
So don't give me that crap that a random ass Finnish metal site is representative as a whole. Go, gather information at other sites (facebook, reddit, spotify, facebook, youtube) and pile them together. Then you will have a somewhat representative list.