New album Foregone out February 2023

I would fucking kill for all of this to be true. It's also really awesome to see another "Everlost pt. 2" appreciator. That song doesn't get nearly enough love.
The song totally mesmerized me. There are songs which immediately turn your brain on like it's in fantasy land, and it's one of those. But it's weird to call it an In Flames track I guess, even if it's technically is. I don't know what went on in the heads of the boys, because it was part of the "we have to throw together new material fast because I lied about having a finished product" sessions, yet it's not a song which you just jam together with your bros.
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Considering the context of time or release and THE and all, I think we can definitely say this is going to be the most interesting In Flames release in a long time, and that it will keep this forum alive for a while longer! I want to see how far they go with the "old school" energy and what the whole album will be like. If the new song really is a 2 partner that excites me a lot.
Yo Everlost Part 2 is great. Part 1... not so much.

Yeah, I can’t say I remember Part 1 whatsoever.

The song totally mesmerized me. There are songs which immediately turn your brain on like it's in fantasy land, and it's one of those. But it's weird to call it an In Flames track I guess, even if it's technically is. I don't know what went on in the heads of the boys, because it was part of the "we have to throw together new material fast because I lied about having a finished product" sessions, yet it's not a song which you just jam together with your bros.

Part 2 has a sound that I think is only really shared with “The Attic” and maybe “Metaphor”: Blues. The band pretty much never indulges in any sort of bluesy sound otherwise, which is a massive shame. I think they use overdriven guitars in “The Attic” over the clean guitars of Part 2, but otherwise, they very much share a similar sound that I fucking love, and it works especially well in Part 2 given the folk-sounding acoustic melodies accompanying it. It’s something fucking magical that brings out the best of Lunar Strain’s secondary sound (Being folk) while also adding something to it that just isn’t seen basically anywhere else for the band– And I doubt that that’ll change. It’s a gorgeous piece that stands out even amongst all of the varied pieces of the band’s discography.

I dunno, that’s my pretentious two cents thrown in there.

Considering the context of time or release and THE and all, I think we can definitely say this is going to be the most interesting In Flames release in a long time, and that it will keep this forum alive for a while longer! I want to see how far they go with the "old school" energy and what the whole album will be like. If the new song really is a 2 partner that excites me a lot.

If they go through with the whole part one and part two thing with acoustics here, I’ll be infinitely more excited about the album. That being said, I get the weird feeling that this album is going to be, in a way, their modern Lunar Strain. Sure, it’ll be modern melodic death metal that only really harkens back to “Pinball Map” in terms of their classic discography, but if the band finds a way to keep in the kinds of melodies they’re known for, I’ll be happy with it.
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So they're releasing the third single in like 3 months, from an album that hasn't been announced and Anders said will come out next year? If this keeps up, by the time it's released, we'll have about 4 new songs to listen to on it.
This debate is immaterial. Carl Naslund is going to rise from the dead and give a blues solo on Foregone Pt. 2, and 100 years from now that's all that's going to matter.

Back from the dead with his turtleneck. IF was dead after he left, Jesper and Glenn did mainstream music. But now he's back with the OG MDM music, Foregone is just a start..

Can someone please track Fredrik Johansson down? Not the Dark Tranquility one, but the guy who did the solo on December Flower.

If Anders and Bjorn are serious about defeating The Halo Effect they need to recruit the best. Carl and Fredrik would be a good start. I could see Glenn going either way. IF or THE. Depends if he is still really mad at Jesper.

They need real riffs and real SOLOS, not just acoustic guitars.
From memory Carl didn't actually write anything for LS, it was all Jesper and Glen, in the span of about a week.
They might as well throw out Everlost Pt. 3 at this point, hip-hop beats with vocals by Anders' hero T-Pain.
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Holy shit, I'm really excited for this. I'm pretty sure pt2 includes that new intro from the live shows.

Also nice to see you here neighbor. :D

Nice to see you too, my friend. I may not post often, but I am always lurking around and enjoying reading the comments from all of you.
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