New album name

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It reminds me to Raise Hell's album Not Dead Yet.

The people at the Scythes Of Bodom board don't seem to like it. If there would be a poll I'm sure 90% would vote that they don't like it.

Well, what else can we do than to accept it? I don't think the name gets changed.
Zarok666 said:
The people at the Scythes Of Bodom board don't seem to like it. If there would be a poll I'm sure 90% would vote that they don't like it.

Haha, the SOB crew forum doesn't know it's arse from it's elbow...

they'd love it.
that's like a total rip off of Carnal Forge!
they have albums called Please... Die, and Aren't you dead yet

i hope they're good tho, it's been a long wait

also, despite it being kind of a rip off, i think it's funny haha, as is "please die"

i dont know why you fucks even post here. all most of you do is rip on the band, and talk about how they are going downhill. why dont you sorry pieces of shit go find another failing band to worship? seriously, what the fuck is the point of posting here all the time?
I guess i'll make my decision either to hate or love the new stuff when i've listened to the whole album, and when i know more about it than the title.
pallarandersvisa said:

i dont know why you fucks even post here. all most of you do is rip on the band, and talk about how they are going downhill. why dont you sorry pieces of shit go find another failing band to worship? seriously, what the fuck is the point of posting here all the time?

You do have a point, there.
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