NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

So they do some jazz stuff on it for two minutes or what? If so then I believe they will just play the original arrangement live.
The remix of Knuckledusters actually sounds like some garbage from Limp Biscuit. It's pretty much a joke, and I think that's what it's meant to be.
I got a PM telling me where i can find it but i could not find it:( but all of your reviews are making me jacked to the tits to hear these songs.
I just read a review where they said that by the time you reach Hexed on the album you can tell the band is out of ideas. I haven't heard such nonsense before. Fan of the song or not, there are lots of great ideas all over the song.

That's why I don't typically like "professional" reviewers. They're always trying to justify their jobs with over analyzing and saying nonsense to try and seem so enlightened.
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They're always trying to justify their jobs with over analyzing and saying nonsense to try and seem so enlightened.

Yeah. Like that one guy wriggling his way out of praising FTR, saying 'is it really a good album, or is it just nostalgia?'...
Then there's (paid?) reviews meant to hype a coming album by only praising it.
I'm in love with Kick In The Spleen, great song. Hexed is a close second one. Didn't really bother with the rest so far, keeping these for the rest of the week :)

I like the original Knuckleduster more, but this one doesn't sound bad at all. Don't know what to think of the remix though. Kind of reminded me of Ulvers Remix of Emperors Sworn, but it doesn't reach the same level of quality even once
The odd thing with the song Hexed is, that everybody seems to like it. But why?

It has no melody at all, the riffs are ok but nothing special. The song could be a Halo of Blood song. I don't get it.

Ok, the ending is totally awesome. But seriously - there's nothing special with this song at all. It's fast, hard, lacks melodies, leads are 'ok', has that one neo-classical Bodom riff (the neo-riffs on HB and FTR are still better) and the most epic ending ever.
Because it has all the ingredients. A memorable melody being the neoclassical one, the rhythm is intertwined with lead hooks, the chorus although simple feels atmospheric and hand bangy, a decent solo section, it flows well the entire way through, and its angry. It could definitely have more lead melodies (the entire album could), better solos and rhythm riffs, but all together its a damn solid package.
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The intro / verse riff in Hexed is awesome. One of their best thrash riffs ever. The neo-classical melody is decent, but they have plenty of better stuff, even on this album. The chorus is boring to be honest. Reminds me of the verse of Transference. The riff after the chorus is pretty good. The solo is pretty good, and it actually has a solo from all three solo guys which is interesting. Not a huge fan of the outro, but it's not bad.
Just got home from work! Reading this I'm so hyped, haven't been this hyped for a new album for I don't know how long!
I preordered the digipack version which I hope to get tomorrow. Also I love how active the forum is atm.
I'm not at all a big fan of Hexed. A 6.5 to 7 out of 10 song in my book. I only really like the random fretless (?) bass outro, second part of the solo and the chorus.
Ok guys. Finally ready to write down my feelings. I have just finished listening to it for the 5th time (skipped the UGAC and PABW after the 1st full listening).

I am really in awe. This album is the master piece I was waiting for. I realize that most of my expectations from the Track-by-track were spot-on, but there was a few surprises. For example, I expected Platitudes And Barren Words to be one of their strongest track and I expected to dislike Kick In The Spleen. But at the end of the day, the former is just ok and the latter is one of my favorite.

I'll just focus on the songs that are new today.

- Glass Houses: The intro, the verse, the refrain, etc. Love it all. The way the first solo enters progressively on the intro melody is just splendid. I love the overall atmosphere of the song. The refrain is catchy yet not too simple.

- Hecate's Nightmare: Same as for Glass houses, strong intro, strong verse. I love those heave guitars Laiho mentioned. I struggled a bit with the refrain during the first listening, but it really quickly grew on me and now I'm loving it. It really is an amazing song. On the side note, there is a part of the song that I can't help but feel like it would belong in an Anime's opening song XD.

- Kick In The Spleen: Biggest surprise of the album. I usually do not like too fast, too 'loud' music, but here it works. Especially thanks to this interlude at the middle of the song and those absolutely fantastic solos. I don't think Laiho has been that good for a really long time. These solos rocked and I couldn't be more pleased as a guitarist.

-Hexed: Another big surprise here. Thought I would adore the song, and boy, did I adore it! The intro riff is heavy as heck, the neo-classical part just won't ever get old. I could literally put it on loop for hours and still enjoy this. The surprise came at the end with that superb outro. It strongly reminded me of the way I felt listening to Windir's Likbør for the first time (though Hexed's outro could never match the outro of Likbør.
(if you guys don't know it, go give it a try). Loved hearing Henkka for once, and that bass 'solo' was really enjoyable. About the solos, Laiho is being brilliant again on this song. Loved every bit of it.

- Relapse (The Nature Of My Crime): I am a bit more confused about this song. Do I love it or do I just like it? Can't tell. The riff at 00:50 is just amazing and carries the song. But I feel like this song has a bit less feels to it that the other ones. I'm also struggling with the dissonances of the refrain. I love dissonances when they make sense, but they do feel a bit off here.

- Say Never Look Back: Thought this one would be my favorite and........ It isn't :D But it is a close second! This is a true wonder. Haven't liked a song so much for a very long time. It's really high in my top of Bodom's songs. Some of the best Bodom's riffs are to be found on this song. The intro is spectacular, the verse is heavy as fuck, the refrain just rocks (I was skeptical about drop B tuning, but it sounds amazing), the drum solo is just phenomenal (I'm no drummer, so I judge with my amateur ears).

- Soon Departed: This would be my favorite on this album. It is so intense. As Laiho said in the track-by-track "whoever came up with that wasn't in a good place at the time" or as someone on the forum put it, you can really feel the anger in this song. It is just so raw. It might be slow, but it has the potential of becoming the new Everytime I die in term of status among fan. The solo is a bit too simplistic in my opinion, but the part following the solo is one of my absolute favorite Bodom riff EVER (3:55-4:12). I would have made it last at least twice that time.

- Knuckleduster: I knew this song, like most of us, and wasn't moved by this updated version. The original is better, I will agree on that, but this one isn't bad either (in the meaning that I could have preferred this version if it came out first)

Overall a fantastic album that both surprises with it's freshness but also pleases the expectations I had as a fan. It builds on Bodom's strongest foundations to bring something new to the Bodomverse while staying true to their roots. I've said it once already, but I really couldn't be more pleased. This album has so much dark/violent energy, exactly what I needed. Hexed makes me feel like I can now breathe again, at least for a while.
The Knuckleduster Remix is a bad joke, aye?! :confused:
The new version of this Song cant compare to the old, Alexi seems to found Kirk Hammets Wah Wah on EBay :D

Overall after the first listening its maybe a 6 from 10...not really sure about this...
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