new album update


danny cavanagh
Apr 30, 2002
Visit site
title: the natural disaster

tracklist: (working titles only)
1. sheen
2. harmonium
3. closer
4. blame?
5. childhood dream
6. pulled under at two thousand metres a second
7. the natural disaster
8. flying
9. violence
11. secret track

style: classic anathema...experimental. intense, emotional, very heavy and very truthful.

release: autumn

verdict: in a world of its own :erk:
Looks interesting! (very heavy and very truthful)
Hope it sounds interesting too, if the record is made with the heart, it must be good... (i know, cheesy statement, but you get the point)

Weren't there two parts of the natural disaster?

(any samples for us to listen already? :) )
fuck no, release it all at once.

i want that pulled under song about to be about the video of that crab that got sucked into the underwater pipe...
pagan2002 said:
title: the natural disaster

tracklist: (working titles only)
1. sheen
2. harmonium
3. closer
4. blame?
5. childhood dream
6. pulled under at two thousand metres a second
7. the natural disaster
8. flying
9. violence
11. secret track

Sounds good already but I reckon it was a bad move telling folk about the secret track. Also, if its secret, it should be part of track 10. hehe, sorry.
Cracking titles though.
jesus I hate you all, you make me sick. sick *fans*

god be with the days when the first you heard of an album was when you shelled out yer hard earned rupels for the vinyl and bands had to sgood ense not to talk to the fans.
"whats it like" where is it on de internet" "did ye play ukelele on it" "what socks did you wear for the vocals" "how experimental is it on a scale of ten??"

sick i tell you. sick :lol: