New album: Work has begun already....!!!!.....

Mike should delete this used to be a really nice place to come to. Now it's just a bunch of nu-metal kids who grew up and discovered Opeth...too bad their mentality is still nu-metal.

Mike, fuck these people.

As far as the "idiot Opeth fans paying for their toilet paper", Opeth are where they are today because of their work before Roadrunner...not after. The idiot Opeth fans are a direct result of more cannot be helped. Every band who gets on a major label acquires a whole new area of their fanbase reserved for complete dumbasses...this is due to their inability to listen to something that's not force-fed to them via radio or MTV. Hence, the new breed of "idiot Opeth fans". It's a necessary evil.

Don't like it? Then don't be a fucking moron.

Also, slamming on the new drummer? How many of you fucktards even got an invitation to try out for Opeth? How many of you can even play drums? Does Mike even know your fucking name? How many of you can even find Sweden on a map in ten seconds without looking on the internet?

Fuck off. All of you.

wait a minute..."idiot opeth fans shouldn't question your judgement?" most of the "idiot opeth fans" paid for that toilet paper you are cleaning your ass with

is opeth your band? no? well shut the fuck up. the boys have worked for years doing what they love and making a living at the same time. do you think opeth might be a bit more important to them than it is to us? theres no way bitching about axe is ever going to reverse the decision that mike's made. it appears that people like you think that just because you listen to opeth sometimes means you have a direct influence on the band and how it runs. you dont. grow the fuck up.
is opeth your band? no? well shut the fuck up. the boys have worked for years doing what they love and making a living at the same time. do you think opeth might be a bit more important to them than it is to us? theres no way bitching about axe is ever going to reverse the decision that mike's made. it appears that people like you think that just because you listen to opeth sometimes means you have a direct influence on the band and how it runs. you dont. grow the fuck up.

i disagree, and you miss the point frankly :erk:
I refuse to continue to explain my point to a worthless, vile, piece of flesh such as yourself.

do me a favor and croak.

I don't understand how:

wait a minute..."idiot opeth fans shouldn't question your judgement?" most of the "idiot opeth fans" paid for that toilet paper you are cleaning your ass with

constitutes 'explaining' your point in any way. So I don't see how it's possible to 'continue to explain' your point when it hasn't been explained in the slightest in the first place. Just settle down a little bit nut case.
I posted as Towedwart and Diet Coke. Don't be afraid, young Tubbs. I was just surprised the one day you randomly came back after disappearing. And now you're still here. So, wasn't sure of your Dream Theater love anymore since I haven't seen you reference them at all.

Btw, if Samsara reads this, did you get my PM? I sent it a few days ago.
I posted as Towedwart and Diet Coke. Don't be afraid, young Tubbs. I was just surprised the one day you randomly came back after disappearing. And now you're still here. So, wasn't sure of your Dream Theater love anymore since I haven't seen you reference them at all.
Oh wowz! I remember both of those names.

Anyway, forget Dream Theater. Pbbt. I'm actually quite tired of guitar wankery now. :erk:
I don't understand how:

constitutes 'explaining' your point in any way. So I don't see how it's possible to 'continue to explain' your point when it hasn't been explained in the slightest in the first place. Just settle down a little bit nut case.

carbon monoxide. Go in your garage and crank up "baying of the hounds" and start your car, stay in there for like an hour and a half. Text me when you finish