New album: Work has begun already....!!!!.....

Ok... just completely skip explaining your point to tell me to go and die... geez you're an asset to this online community. Run along and play with your little friends kid, let us bigger boys use our brains, OK?
take landberks advice. and give up trying to look tough... you look like a douche:erk:

look tough? why should I do that I was just making a point. I never siad axe was a poor drummer someone else stated that and insinuated it was me. I said that Mike should consider better terminology towards his fans rather than "idiot Opeth fans."

dude if you have seperate beef with me, I am willing to set up a cage match here in sacramento california and we can settle it.
look tough? why should I do that I was just making a point.

dude if you have seperate beef with me, I am willing to set up a cage match here in sacramento california and we can settle it.

I'm struggling to believe you're not trying to look tough... Haha challenging someone on an internet forum to a fight... do you feel like a man now? the way in which you put your point across was needlessly aggressive and rude, and lacked any explanation. So don't have a cry now you're copping shit for it.
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Whoa, Batman... you're uncharacteristically out of the loop if you're not being sarcastic. Check out his (and Peter's) current playlist on the Opeth website, and there was a video interview with him where he said the new album would be influenced by The Drift. Here it is.

Yeah, thanks for the link.
I loved the Peter interviews, he seems like a really nice guy, and his English is very good.
Adramalech, Mike isnt saying all new opeth fans are idiots. Hes saying that the ones questioning his judgment on hiring Axe are idiots. I think thats a fair assessment since none of us really know all too much about Axe's drumming capabilities, and as stated, Mike hasn't let us down before with his drumming choices. If people dont want to be called idiots by the frontman of a band they like, they shouldnt act like idiots is all. Also, Mike is definitely appreciative of how much fan support they get and how that has turned into a successful career for him - dream fulfilling even - but as he stated in the GR bonus DVD, he doesnt like it when fans act like they own the band.
has anyone even mentioned that Axe is not only the drummer of Bloodbath, but also of Witchery and Satanic Slaughter? (haven't read this entire thread) ... so anyone want to hear him drum, listen to all of it!

I'm looking forward to hear him play in Opeth. His star is rising in the metalworld apparantly :)

it's strange, people getting so nervous about a line-up change ... isn't this something very typical in the metalscene? ... it was strange that the "classic Opeth line-up" endured so long. it was about to happen some time ... and often this proves to be a good new stimulous. so let's see how it turns out for Opeth.
Mike should delete this used to be a really nice place to come to. Now it's just a bunch of nu-metal kids who grew up and discovered Opeth...too bad their mentality is still nu-metal.

Mike, fuck these people.

As far as the "idiot Opeth fans paying for their toilet paper", Opeth are where they are today because of their work before Roadrunner...not after. The idiot Opeth fans are a direct result of more cannot be helped. Every band who gets on a major label acquires a whole new area of their fanbase reserved for complete dumbasses...this is due to their inability to listen to something that's not force-fed to them via radio or MTV. Hence, the new breed of "idiot Opeth fans". It's a necessary evil.

Don't like it? Then don't be a fucking moron.

Also, slamming on the new drummer? How many of you fucktards even got an invitation to try out for Opeth? How many of you can even play drums? Does Mike even know your fucking name? How many of you can even find Sweden on a map in ten seconds without looking on the internet?

Fuck off. All of you.

i agree
Concerning the new album, personally I think it would be interesting if the band explored a folkier sound, maybe even employing the use of such instruments as flutes, cellos or violins in some of the songs. I also reckon lap-steel guitar parts would work very well. Having said that, and after seeing the interview with Mikael mentioning Scott Walkers "The Drift" influence, I'm very eager to hear the new album and the direction it takes, I'm sure it will take me by surprise while still having that classic Opeth feel to it. Ghost Reveries had that exact effect on me - it sounded so new and fresh and yet even on first listen it was immediately identifiable as Opeth.
looking forward to hearing even more interesting instrumentation or textures.

remember the debut of the e-bow on Blackwater Park, the mellotron on Deliverance or the brilliant bongo section on Grand Conjuration?

hopefully more surprises like that.

np: My Dying Bride - Turn Loose the Swans
I trust Mikael completely in whatever he does with the new album, but personally I would like to see more Progressiveness, more complexity yet retaining the 70's prog style, and more clean vocals, cos Mikael's voice just keeps on improving!
Woops, double post...

On the whole Martin Lopez thing, I absolutely loved Martin Lopez, :worship: but Mikael isn't gonna get someone who isn't going to fit in with the style and line-up of Opeth. When Lopez first joined Opeth, I'm sure there were heaps that were against that, but look how that turned out :headbang: I'm sure Axenrot will come through in the same way.