New album: Work has begun already....!!!!.....

Those sections are really some of the most emotional ones by Opeth. "Your voice is vast and achromatic - but still so precious" :')
by no means is BRI a bad song, but it really isn't to great either. it has some memorable riffs, some great riffs, some average riffs, and some boring riffs. The fact is, anyone who calls BRI opeth's masterpiece is about as naive as they come. opeth has shown to have the musical talent to combine technical and emotional songwriting with a strong sense of coherency, (still life, mayh, bwp), but simply put, morningrise and orchid lack the coherency and flow the the later albums embrace so well.

peac eout
by no means is BRI a bad song, but it really isn't to great either. it has some memorable riffs, some great riffs, some average riffs, and some boring riffs. The fact is, anyone who calls BRI opeth's masterpiece is about as naive as they come. opeth has shown to have the musical talent to combine technical and emotional songwriting with a strong sense of coherency, (still life, mayh, bwp), but simply put, morningrise and orchid lack the coherency and flow the the later albums embrace so well.

peac eout

True but I would argue that every album after Still Life lacks the vibrancy, experimentation, and amazing twin guitar (and bass) harmonies and polyphonies of Orchid and Morningrise.

But I agree: BRI is NOT Opeth's "masterpiece." They have quite a few of those. :)
by no means is BRI a bad song, but it really isn't to great either. it has some memorable riffs, some great riffs, some average riffs, and some boring riffs. The fact is, anyone who calls BRI opeth's masterpiece is about as naive as they come. opeth has shown to have the musical talent to combine technical and emotional songwriting with a strong sense of coherency, (still life, mayh, bwp), but simply put, morningrise and orchid lack the coherency and flow the the later albums embrace so well.

peac eout

you summed it up nicely. but oh shit, out of left field...

metal_wrath said:
quick, hit him with a bat
It seems to me like a lot of people confuse a shit-ton of reverb and analog tape recording with "emotional" content. I agree that Morningrise and orchid have some nice emotion vocally, but just because his voice is drowned in reverb doesn't mean its any more emotional than the newer recordings. To me, the most emotional vocals Mike has done have come much later, i.e. Damnation, Deliverence, Ghost Reveries. Songs like Hope Leaves, Weakness, A Fair Judgment, Isolation Years, and Hours of Wealth are much more emotional outputs than the earlier stuff. Not only lyrically, but vocally Mike has really upped his game with each album (some more so than others).
you've misunderstood or haven't read my posts. that goes for a couple others it looks like as well. you'd think I said "BRI sucks because it doesn't follow a formulaic song structure". it takes an impressive amount of cluelessness to derive that from my posts

I only read one of your posts (the Britney Spears one), which said song structure is superfluous, then in another post you criticise the BRI song structure - a little inconsistent maybe?
I only read one of your posts (the Britney Spears one), which said song structure is superfluous, then in another post you criticise the BRI song structure - a little inconsistent maybe?

I said:

"it's the epitome of puzzle piece mish-mash arranging. it doesn't flow or have any direction, it just meanders along. if you completely rearranged the riff and section order, took one out, or added one, I doubt anyone would notice."

metal_wrath came out of nowhere with this Britney Spears verse-chorus-verse nonsense which is absolutely on the other end of a spectrum that isn't even relevant to what the discussion is about.

I never said or implied in the least that there's something wrong with having no song structure. I can't believe I actually have to make that so clear. what would I be doing listening to Opeth if I thought unstructured songs sucked? (e.g. 99% of the songs in their discography)

MAYH and on, they can pull it off. Orchid and Morningrise was bumpy, and BRI is the pinnacle of their worst songwriting

Nice one :rolleyes: You have to be the most retarded poster here. stfu

no, you've been the reigning king of shameless ignorance since you began posting here. you don't have any valid argument or point to make in this matter

5th or so most retarded poster I'd gladly accept

metal_wrath said:

it really is the best argument I've ever seen someone give on this forum
I said:

"it's the epitome of puzzle piece mish-mash arranging. it doesn't flow or have any direction, it just meanders along. if you completely rearranged the riff and section order, took one out, or added one, I doubt anyone would notice."

That's not a particularly difficult observation to make. What is difficult is to demonstrate exactly how this makes a song bad.
ok, so then.

the new album.

I hope it doesn't have the same artificial sounding suck-the-life-out-of-the-music production of Deliverance/Ghost Reveries