Having read your reply to my post, and Hibernal Dream's, it's obvious you're just another fanboy who won't hear a word said against ANY part of Opeth's work. If this place was populated with cunts like you it would die - fan forums can only take so much of the "I love Opeth" shit, they need some sort of balance.
You're a fucking cock, learn to take other people's opinions into account before spouting your shite.
yawn. cop-out. let me give a recap of how much of a fanboy I am. a lot of the Orchid/Morningrise era was meandering, boring, monotonous, and badly arranged. especially Morningrise. My Arms, Your Hearse dominates. Still Life dominates. Blackwater Park dominates. Deliverance isn't worth buying. Damnation is decent. Ghost Reveries generally ranges from good to boring rubbish and would be my 2nd least favorite album to Deliverance. Deliverance and Ghost Reveries suffer from production so utterly sterile and lifeless that I find it hard to listen to it without becoming bored to tears shortly into it
I could honestly give a fuck less whether you trash Opeth or not. plenty of people do it and I sometimes agree with whatever point they might've made as long as it's an actual valid and reasonable point and not just shit slinging or sheer ignorance.
so let's look at your gem of a post
I'm all for great bands releasing new albums. I just hope this great band can release something less commercial and, frankly boring, as GR.
Get back to basics, bin the shitty parping keyboards, and give the fans of the older stuff something not trendy. Like the 45 minute black metal song once talked about, that'd be nice.
oh look, another mindless fucking dumbass metalhead that is so "tr00" and underground that he can't stand something to be "commercial" and "trendy" but then contradicts himself out of his own ignorance by demanding Opeth write contrived, forced music with an intent for it to sound like "older stuff", perhaps a My Arms, Your Hearse II. (sounds fucking commercial and trendy to me) yes, Opeth, force yourselves to write a 45 minute black metal song, just because you mentioned it once in an interview. who fucking cares that your creative process doesn't work like that - I'm an ignorant, selfish fan that knows jack shit about the band remember?
try to make your music sound like something I want. don't make music with no boundaries. don't make music that's actually coming from an inspired heart. force a 45 minute black metal album. yes. you're a band increasing in fame and musicality. you've made it. yet somehow, all of the sudden, you don't know what's best for you.
you're a fucking ignorant dunce, just like hibernal