New album: Work has begun already....!!!!.....

Mikael Åkerfeldt;5751187 said:
It makes me happy that you're all fans of Lopez cause he deserves the credit and don't forget I brought him in the band as well. Peter didn't even want him to begin with and I said "Let's give this guy a chance" as I'd heard he had something. I fucking know the guy and have basically lived together with him for almost 10 years so don't come lamenting his leaving to me! What the fuck do you think I felt?

Now, that era, "Lopeth" or whatever is over. Axe is in the band now and we all fucking love playing with him. When somebody picks on his drumming I can't help but to feel that that person is a deaf moron who knows nothing about music or drumming. I get defensive not only because I brought him in the band, but mainly because he's a fucking fantastic drummer!

For me this band is my life. I don't make decisions on who's getting recruited while I'm taking a shit. Don't question my judgement for a band I've been running, writing for, living with and bleeding for during the last 16 years, OK?

Now, after saying that I certainly hope the next album will be good!!

That's right, Axe for life!
by my understanding, the song names/lyrics always came last with the exception of MAYH where they were written first.
Sadly, I haven't gotten the chance to see Opeth once on this tour so I have experienced them with neither Per nor Axe, so needless to say I'm anxiously anticipating the next album and even more anxiously anticipating the next US tour!

To be honest I think while being sad, the change of drummers may be beneficial to the band. We've heard Lopez for 10 years, we've grown to love his drumming and everything he adds to the band. Now, with Axe manning the drums it may have an even stronger effect on the music than we think. Even though I know Mike writes a lot of the drum parts, it's done together with the drummer, so the influence of the drummer will undoubtedly be heard. And change, at least in Opeth's case, always proves to be a good thing.

Best of luck on the new album, I hope it all goes smoothly.

I hope to hear some new twisted melody masterpieces, with some more acoustic genius, and ravaging vocals that will make you have Opethives. All in all I hope its a complex record, something like a huge puzzle with the pieces laying everywhere in different colors, yet still within the hollow shades of grey.
I will make no predictions or wishes or guesses as to what the next album will be like. I will instead simply express that I am glad they've started it and look forward to hearing it. I feel that thinking otherwise is largely superfluous.
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Awesome i'm looking forward to it i'm sure they all know what they're doing and the album will be different and great at the same time.
Mike you should start dressing up like a flower and dancing around the stage while covering Suppers Ready by Genesis.

Also, good luck with writing the new album. I loved GR and can't wait to see (hear) what's next.
I will make no predictions or wishes or guesses as to what the next album will be like. I will instead simply express that I am glad they've started it and look forward to hearing it. I feel that thinking otherwise is largely superfluous.

That`s the right way to go. There`s actually no point making any predictions or wishes because they surprise you time after time.
I think it'd be interesting for Opeth to incorporate some blast beats into their music (we all know Axe can do it, his blasts on the Bloodbath record are great). It'd definitely lend an even greater brutality, and think of the contrast between a brutal, straight up death/black metal part, complete with some fucking blistering blast beats, then going straight into one of those wide open, airy-sounding 6/8 parts Opeth does so well! i think it'd be interesting to see if Mike could do something like that.
^^one of the main reasons i got into opeth is because they were one of the few death metal bands without blastbeats. dont get me wrong, i like blastbeats...........i like cannibal corpse, cryptopsy, deicide, morbid angel etc..............but blast beats just really dont suit opeth.