New album: Work has begun already....!!!!.....

why has a thread about new album turned into a bitchfest about lopez/axe(like so many threads before it). is that the only point most can talk about in reference to opeth. there are so many posters who are beyond this.
Mikael Åkerfeldt;5750132 said:
Wow, looks like we got ourselves a new breed of idiot Opeth "fans" on our tail huh? Mindblowing guys...really!


heh. On a more serious matter, can you tell us how's the songwriting going so far? Maybe it's too early to ask, but can we hope for a 2007 release?

Cheers and thanks for the great music.
Mikael Åkerfeldt;5750132 said:
Wow, looks like we got ourselves a new breed of idiot Opeth "fans" on our tail huh? Mindblowing guys...really!


I must agree... Like I said who are we to critisize the band, we don't control them, we don't own them in anyway.
I think Mike knows better then you on which band members to take.

Check out what I found mike said on an old thread when lopez left the band:
Hi guys!

I understand you're quite upset with this news and so am I! I've been playing with Lopez for almost 10 years!
But you have to understand that we wouldn't bring in just any kind of drummer for this band. I have been playing with Anders, Lopez, Hoglan and now Axe. Come on, my references are pretty OK, right? Have you played with these guys? Is that why you have such a valid opinion on how they are? I know, all of them are different, all of them have strong sides and weak sides.

I would never take anything away from Lopez brilliance as a drummer, but you also have to know that I have been involved in the making of every drum beat on every record. The drums is the result of a collaboration between Lopez and me. I had ideas, he had ideas, and that's the way we worked. On top of everything I made complete (with drumbeats) demos at my house for every record.

Axe and myself are going to make you eat your bashing comments, just wait and see...

Cheers guys

The words still are true my dear friends!
heh. On a more serious matter, can you tell us how's the songwriting going so far? Maybe it's too early to ask, but can we hope for a 2007 release?

Cheers and thanks for the great music.

Gonna get the album the day it comes out!
Hope to see you guys showing up in israel someday and play some songs of the album :D

Geez... all the Axe dissenters need to watch Beyond Ghost Reveries. Mike states it pretty clearly when he says that Opeth is about so much more than metal and that drums are a tough position in the band. You people act like Mike doesn't know his own fucking band. Idiots...

Saw Axe twice, and the second time was better than the first, and my only real complaint the first time was that he was playing slower. Especially on deliverance. But that was solved by time #2. I look forward to hearing what an ACTIVE collaborator, someone who's 100% on board will add to the band.
Kiss my ass you fuckin cunt asshole piss of fuckin shit. Thats fuckin all youve got to say, havn ya? "Worng agian".Fuck off.


perpetual_black_force said:
We are here to discuss stuff like this and i really wasn't expecting that language.

Well neither was I. Please contribute something other than SPAM... please refer to the Guidelines stickied above for the definition.

This thread is pretty discraceful.... :ill: I'd say we're one more shit post from deletion.
Mikael Åkerfeldt;5750132 said:
Wow, looks like we got ourselves a new breed of idiot Opeth "fans" on our tail huh? Mindblowing guys...really!


Thanks for turning me on to The Drift by Scott Walker. I can only imagine the melting of your masterful music and the brilliantly disturbing sounds of Scott Walker. When I listen through headphones to The Drift, it is as almost the music puts me into a musical or a play that he has shaped. It this the type of influence that the music has on you? If not, I would like to know what about his music is the most infleuntial.


Mikael Åkerfeldt;5750132 said:
Wow, looks like we got ourselves a new breed of idiot Opeth "fans" on our tail huh? Mindblowing guys...really!


I can't believe you just said that. It really hurt me mate. You're calling me an idiot? I really like Lopez and hate the fact that he left. And if you read the hole thread, youll see why i got pissed off. I just cant belive you called me an idiot for supporting Lopez!!!
I apologize for that post from all the members, specialy from dcat, lost my temper for a minute.
By the way, Love you guys and wish you all the best. Keep going, we're right behind you. Hope your new album will sound even better than all youve done so far. Cheers.
I can't believe you just said that. It really hurt me mate. You're calling me an idiot? I really like Lopez and hate the fact that he left. And if you read the hole thread, youll see why i got pissed off. I just cant belive you called me an idiot for supporting Lopez!!!
I apologize for that post from all the members who red this, specialy from dcat, lost my temper for a minute.
By the way, Love you guys and wish you all the best. Keep going, we're right behind you. Hope your new album will sound even better than all youve done so far. Cheers.

First... thanks for taking care of your other post.

Second... The only difference between idiocy and genius is that genius has it's limits. It's telling that you would feel like Mike was actually referring to you only or specifically... he didn't even quote you. This thread and other recent threads have been chock full 'o idiocy. I suspect that you may just feel bad about your last couple posts but that's cool as I can see you are already making a swing into a positive direction.... and thanks for that. Just relax... express your opinions and try to be civil and all will be fine.

By the way, Love you guys


meaning Opeth?

guess what, Axenrot is a part of Opeth now, so get the hell used to it. you call yourself an Opeth fan but then denounce the band's decision because your own judgement is superior?

please leave before you embarrass yourself and the rest of the Opeth fans here.

have a nice goddamn day.

meaning Opeth?

guess what, Axenrot is a part of Opeth now, so get the hell used to it. you call yourself an Opeth fan but then denounce the band's decision because your own judgement is superior?

please leave before you embarrass yourself and the rest of the Opeth fans here.

have a nice goddamn day.

Well, I might be dissapointed now, but AS IVE MENTIONED PREVIOUSLY, thats what i think now, it might change, and im still holding my ground, i might be wrong.
Dont get it wrong, ive said this before, i want axe to turn up better than lopez cause i love opeth, i never want them to go downhill. I want their next album to be the best ever. Those posts were just me being pissed off and crossed.
Riiight. This is the first thread I've read here in a year... t'was odd.

Anyway, looking foward to the new record. We're a whole bunch of Opeth fans here at my school, so I think I'm gonna have announce to this on the next morning meeting as I can't be fucked with going round to each one.

Nice to be back.
It makes me happy that you're all fans of Lopez cause he deserves the credit and don't forget I brought him in the band as well. Peter didn't even want him to begin with and I said "Let's give this guy a chance" as I'd heard he had something. I fucking know the guy and have basically lived together with him for almost 10 years so don't come lamenting his leaving to me! What the fuck do you think I felt?

Now, that era, "Lopeth" or whatever is over. Axe is in the band now and we all fucking love playing with him. When somebody picks on his drumming I can't help but to feel that that person is a deaf moron who knows nothing about music or drumming. I get defensive not only because I brought him in the band, but mainly because he's a fucking fantastic drummer!

For me this band is my life. I don't make decisions on who's getting recruited while I'm taking a shit. Don't question my judgement for a band I've been running, writing for, living with and bleeding for during the last 16 years, OK?

Now, after saying that I certainly hope the next album will be good!!
Mikael Åkerfeldt;5751187 said:
It makes me happy that you're all fans of Lopez cause he deserves the credit and don't forget I brought him in the band as well. Peter didn't even want him to begin with and I said "Let's give this guy a chance" as I'd heard he had something. I fucking know the guy and have basically lived together with him for almost 10 years so don't come lamenting his leaving to me! What the fuck do you think I felt?

Now, that era, "Lopeth" or whatever is over. Axe is in the band now and we all fucking love playing with him. When somebody picks on his drumming I can't help but to feel that that person is a deaf moron who knows nothing about music or drumming. I get defensive not only because I brought him in the band, but mainly because he's a fucking fantastic drummer!

For me this band is my life. I don't make decisions on who's getting recruited while I'm taking a shit. Don't question my judgement for a band I've been running, writing for, living with and bleeding for during the last 16 years, OK?

Now, after saying that I certainly hope the next album will be good!!

Thanks for clearing the air. I can't wait for the next album. Hope you open for TOOL.
Mikael Åkerfeldt;5751187 said:
It makes me happy that you're all fans of Lopez cause he deserves the credit and don't forget I brought him in the band as well. Peter didn't even want him to begin with and I said "Let's give this guy a chance" as I'd heard he had something. I fucking know the guy and have basically lived together with him for almost 10 years so don't come lamenting his leaving to me! What the fuck do you think I felt?

Now, that era, "Lopeth" or whatever is over. Axe is in the band now and we all fucking love playing with him. When somebody picks on his drumming I can't help but to feel that that person is a deaf moron who knows nothing about music or drumming. I get defensive not only because I brought him in the band, but mainly because he's a fucking fantastic drummer!

For me this band is my life. I don't make decisions on who's getting recruited while I'm taking a shit. Don't question my judgement for a band I've been running, writing for, living with and bleeding for during the last 16 years, OK?

Now, after saying that I certainly hope the next album will be good!!

duder......u dont haev to worry about no-life forum trolls bitchin.....hahaha....ehck if they were as good at judging muscinas as they think they are now....tehy all be palyin in their respective platinum selling bands...but they're dont even bother with thier whinning........and yes...we all will miss Lopez...but Axe is a wesome guy........Ive seen him live...adn he kicks butt....big tie...and besides like u said...uve ben doin the music thing fora while u u knwo...who will fit YOUR of luck brother...adn keep rockin...cannot wait to see u agian......coem back to TX agian...SSOOOn...!!>........PEAC EOUT
Mikael Åkerfeldt;5751187 said:

I will intergrate that into my announcement. I will speak that word every day for two months. I will make a t-shirt that says Opeth on the front and Lopeth on the back. There will be posters. And sloganizers. I may even write a poem.
Mikael Åkerfeldt;5751187 said:
It makes me happy that you're all fans of Lopez cause he deserves the credit and don't forget I brought him in the band as well. Peter didn't even want him to begin with and I said "Let's give this guy a chance" as I'd heard he had something. I fucking know the guy and have basically lived together with him for almost 10 years so don't come lamenting his leaving to me! What the fuck do you think I felt?

Now, that era, "Lopeth" or whatever is over. Axe is in the band now and we all fucking love playing with him. When somebody picks on his drumming I can't help but to feel that that person is a deaf moron who knows nothing about music or drumming. I get defensive not only because I brought him in the band, but mainly because he's a fucking fantastic drummer!

For me this band is my life. I don't make decisions on who's getting recruited while I'm taking a shit. Don't question my judgement for a band I've been running, writing for, living with and bleeding for during the last 16 years, OK?

Now, after saying that I certainly hope the next album will be good!!
well since it took the ol' swedish longhair himself coming over here to shut us all up, let's try to focus back on the topic at hand. no more shittalking, eh?

i have a feeling that they have something good in store for us. Ghost Reveries saw many new concepts that i believe will be built upon with the upcoming album. i don't, however, believe that there will be a lack of classicly-structured Opeth songs (GoP Baying of the Hounds).

either way, i'll be looking forward to it.
I hope the next album is so good that all of the scene kids will have a true lesson in violence that will open their eyes to true Metal. GR was amazing, but I think some of the attention from the press and the video hype for TGC gained some fans who have no idea what Opeth is about. I hope when I go to see Opeth on their next tour that I don't see any mallcore kids doing ninja kicks and shit, and moshing during "Hours of Wealth" lol. I hope the next album is so good that it will replace MAYH as my new favorite Opeth album. Actually, whatever the next Opeth album is like, I will love no matter what... Oh yeah, maybe Opeth can record a song in Swedish.... haha just had that idea...:err: