New album: Work has begun already....!!!!.....

Great posts, Mikael! It sucks you have to come here and defend your choices, but I appreciate hearing what you have to say. It confirms what I have thought about you: that you are a man of your convictions. I can't ask for more from the front man for my favorite band.

I'm excited to hear where the new album will take me. I personally agree with Mikael that Opeth hasn't made a bad album yet, and I don't think they'll start now! Mike is far too concerned with making "something extraordinary" to put out a subpar album.

I do think it's going to sound fairly different. There will be some familiar opethian elements, but the addition of Axe, the further incorporation of Per and the influence of The Drift will make this album something fresh. It's always great to know your favorite band is making new music.
Did Mikael say that he was being influenced by Walker's The Drift or something? Where, when?

Link please.

Whoa, Batman... you're uncharacteristically out of the loop if you're not being sarcastic. Check out his (and Peter's) current playlist on the Opeth website, and there was a video interview with him where he said the new album would be influenced by The Drift. Here it is.
Mikael Åkerfeldt;5751187 said:
It makes me happy that you're all fans of Lopez cause he deserves the credit and don't forget I brought him in the band as well. Peter didn't even want him to begin with and I said "Let's give this guy a chance" as I'd heard he had something. I fucking know the guy and have basically lived together with him for almost 10 years so don't come lamenting his leaving to me! What the fuck do you think I felt?

Now, that era, "Lopeth" or whatever is over. Axe is in the band now and we all fucking love playing with him. When somebody picks on his drumming I can't help but to feel that that person is a deaf moron who knows nothing about music or drumming. I get defensive not only because I brought him in the band, but mainly because he's a fucking fantastic drummer!

For me this band is my life. I don't make decisions on who's getting recruited while I'm taking a shit. Don't question my judgement for a band I've been running, writing for, living with and bleeding for during the last 16 years, OK?

Now, after saying that I certainly hope the next album will be good!!

I solute you:kickass:

Oh and by the way, on the next tour, please visit Israel!! If there's one thing better then hearing a new opeth album, is hearing it live! :D
I think it's very nice of you giving some time to your fans using this forum
grrrr ive decided the drift is one of my least favourite releases in recent history. i CANT see what the fuss about it is. i trust mike will do well with blending the sound into opeths but geez, if he doesnt...:(
grrrr ive decided the drift is one of my least favourite releases in recent history. i CANT see what the fuss about it is. i trust mike will do well with blending the sound into opeths but geez, if he doesnt...:(

Don't doubt mike :)
If up to now he's been doing such a great job, I see absolutly no reason for him to get any worse! Only better can it get:kickass:

A question for Mikael if he'll be here again:

Will the new album be a concept album?

Thx a lot, nadav
grrrr ive decided the drift is one of my least favourite releases in recent history. i CANT see what the fuss about it is. i trust mike will do well with blending the sound into opeths but geez, if he doesnt...:(
I think any speculation about what the album is going to sound like, saying "it is going to be influenced by The Drift" or whatever, is not a good idea. We shouldn't try to predict what the album is going to sound like, even if Mike said it was going to be influenced by a particular artist, he can change his mind, for all we know the album could end up being that "bordering on black metal" album. Haha...probably not though :)
Mikael Åkerfeldt;5751187 said:
It makes me happy that you're all fans of Lopez cause he deserves the credit and don't forget I brought him in the band as well. Peter didn't even want him to begin with and I said "Let's give this guy a chance" as I'd heard he had something. I fucking know the guy and have basically lived together with him for almost 10 years so don't come lamenting his leaving to me! What the fuck do you think I felt?

Now, that era, "Lopeth" or whatever is over. Axe is in the band now and we all fucking love playing with him. When somebody picks on his drumming I can't help but to feel that that person is a deaf moron who knows nothing about music or drumming. I get defensive not only because I brought him in the band, but mainly because he's a fucking fantastic drummer!

For me this band is my life. I don't make decisions on who's getting recruited while I'm taking a shit. Don't question my judgement for a band I've been running, writing for, living with and bleeding for during the last 16 years, OK?

Now, after saying that I certainly hope the next album will be good!!

you are probably right. tbh i know jack shit about drummers, but lopez sounds better to me. however, as you say it took him a while to really grow into his role with opeth and im guessing the same will happen with axe. either way the next album will own and im looking forward to what axe is gonna bring to the band.
Any time there's a change in the line-up of a band, there will be distress over the ramifications of the change in personel agongst the die hard fans...esp regarding a key element to the sound of the music...As a guitar player, the first time I heard Opeth and still to this was the riffs that I was drawn I thought they were a breathe of fresh air with their nuiance and structuring...however when I turn non guitar players on to Opeth...the majority of the time they say "Wow that drummer kills!" changing drummers should be a hot topic for discussion on a fan-site forum...both good and bad...I mean if this forum was just filled with arse-licking posts praising the accolades of the band it would get pretty Concerns and criticisms are all part of a healthy discussion...imo...but you know what they say about opinions...they're like assholes...everyones got one and some are a little stinkier than others....
I think any speculation about what the album is going to sound like, saying "it is going to be influenced by The Drift" or whatever, is not a good idea. We shouldn't try to predict what the album is going to sound like, even if Mike said it was going to be influenced by a particular artist, he can change his mind, for all we know the album could end up being that "bordering on black metal" album. Haha...probably not though :)
way to say exactly what i said, 2 pages later.

there needs to be a sarcastic applause smiley.