New album: Work has begun already....!!!!.....

i odnt care WHAT U SAY dont presure mikale into owRKING TO FAST ON THE ALBUM


- loayl fanboy :)

Youre takin it so serious, arnt ya, ey? You sounded like Mike's mum or something.

Looking fucking forward to hear the new record specialy the drums by the new fucker(a bit too affensive innit). Not worried about the rest of the band, theyve done it for almost 12 years now. All my concern is Axe. I'll be so fuckin surprised if he turns out as good as lopez. Went to 2 of their gigs in England, I donno what you think but he is no fuckin where near Lopez. You might say, "well, he needs a bit of time", Id say fair enough lads, Lets wait and see the new Record.
^ yawn, a big one!!

How many more time's...

Axe may lack Lopez's sublety atm, but will more than make up for it with sheer brutality blast beats,

Remember without Axe you wouldn't have seen / enjoyed the Opeth shows you saw.

He deserves huge respect for being asked / chosen to join the band!!

I can't wait to hear his contribution to Opeths next Opus. :D
^ yawn, a big one!!

How many more time's...

Axe may lack Lopez's sublety atm, but will more than make up for it with sheer brutality blast beats,

Remember without Axe you wouldn't have seen / enjoyed the Opeth shows you saw.

He deserves huge respect for being asked / chosen to join the band!!

I can't wait to hear his contribution to Opeths next Opus. :D

I predict he steals the show. :kickass:
^ yawn, a big one!!

How many more time's...

Axe may lack Lopez's sublety atm, but will more than make up for it with sheer brutality blast beats,

Remember without Axe you wouldn't have seen / enjoyed the Opeth shows you saw.

He deserves huge respect for being asked / chosen to join the band!!

I can't wait to hear his contribution to Opeths next Opus. :D

First of all i 100% disagree with you saying "but will more than make up for it with sheer brutality blast beats". No fucking way. I wouldn't even put Axe in the same row with Lopez. I think even the rest of the band are aware of the fact that Axe is a weak metal drummer compared to Lopez. I dont fuckin understand why so many of you hold his side, he lituraly sucks compared to lopez and its the truth and all of you guys know this. If Mike has decided to let him in dosnt mean he has made the right decision. I think most of the fuckin "Axe fans" hold his side becasue they think if they dont't then they wont be recognized as the real "opeth lovers" or something. Fuck.
Also, I think there are so many amazing drummers out there which would have palyed better than Axe if they were asked to. If there was no Axe, then someone else would have played for the uk gigs.
I live in Hove which is about an hour drive from Portsmouth which was where they played. I was so fuckin dissapointed, thought it might only be that gig and he might be better than what i think, so turned up again for the second time and dorve all the way to fucking london, I still hold my ground, he is crap. Simple as that.
well, we can only hope he'll improve for the next album.

and yes, I like blastbeats, but it would be horrible if Opeth only started doing heavy stuff.
I hope they'll do something more progressive :)
First of all i 100% disagree with you saying "but will more than make up for it with sheer brutality blast beats". No fucking way. I wouldn't even put Axe in the same row with Lopez. I think even the rest of the band are aware of the fact that Axe is a weak metal drummer compared to Lopez. I dont fuckin understand why so many of you hold his side, he lituraly sucks compared to lopez and its the truth and all of you guys know this. If Mike has decided to let him in dosnt mean he has made the right decision. I think most of the fuckin "Axe fans" hold his side becasue they think if they dont't then they wont be recognized as the real "opeth lovers" or something. Fuck.
Also, I think there are so many amazing drummers out there which would have palyed better than Axe if they were asked to. If there was no Axe, then someone else would have played for the uk gigs.
I live in Hove which is about an hour drive from Portsmouth which was where they played. I was so fuckin dissapointed, thought it might only be that gig and he might be better than what i think, so turned up again for the second time and dorve all the way to fucking london, I still hold my ground, he is crap. Simple as that.

You young man are soooooo wrong, Axe has been playing with Bloodbath for some time now, Mike's side project.

You and others like you so miss the point...

Axe is playing Lopez's parts, once he gets loose of this and plays his own style he will build on it just as Lopez grew into his role when he first joined with Opeth.

Anyways, who the fuck r u to question other people's loyalties here.

Answer my other Q if you please, or click on my sig ffs.

i dunno how axe is gonna sound on the new album. he is a good metal drummer, his work with bloodbath is pretty good but i cant really hear anything that really sets him apart from most metal drummers, whereas with lopez you knew it was him playing. those latin and jazz influences really did take opeth's music to a different level.

Meh, axe sounded pretty good live when i saw opeth but i just cant see him really bringing some amazing drumming to opeth. Perhaps mike did not choose wisely.
i dunno how axe is gonna sound on the new album. he is a good metal drummer, his work with bloodbath is pretty good but i cant really hear anything that really sets him apart from most metal drummers, whereas with lopez you knew it was him playing. those latin and jazz influences really did take opeth's music to a different level.

Meh, axe sounded pretty good live when i saw opeth but i just cant see him really bringing some amazing drumming to opeth. Perhaps mike did not choose wisely.

:err: Are you questioning teh Akerfeldt !!??!!1
What the hell are you on about, the only place Ghost Reveries transported me to was the Top 40.

i dunno how axe is gonna sound on the new album. he is a good metal drummer, his work with bloodbath is pretty good but i cant really hear anything that really sets him apart from most metal drummers, whereas with lopez you knew it was him playing. those latin and jazz influences really did take opeth's music to a different level.

Meh, axe sounded pretty good live when i saw opeth but i just cant see him really bringing some amazing drumming to opeth. Perhaps mike did not choose wisely.

You lose
You young man are soooooo wrong, Axe has been playing with Bloodbath for some time now, Mike's side project.

You and others like you so miss the point...

Axe is playing Lopez's parts, once he gets loose of this and plays his own style he will build on it just as Lopez grew into his role when he first joined with Opeth.

Anyways, who the fuck r u to question other people's loyalties here.

Answer my other Q if you please, or click on my sig ffs.


He will never get loose of lopez parts. Cause its simply too much for him, he aint good enough. Thats what i think, i think he is crap and I never liked bloodbath as much as opeth, neither do you son.
By the way, what was your question again:heh:
Im really worried myself about Axe joining the band. Lopez gave Opeths music that extra flavor, he played all the metal parts just as good as any metal drummer out there, but he added more with his jazzy style that felt very natural. I really really really hope either that there is some amazing hidden flavor in store for us from Axe or that Lopez comes back.

I usually dont tend to complain about the music of my favorite bands because they do what they want and they do it for themselves. But the news of Axe replacing Lopez really worried me.
He will never get loose of lopez parts. Cause its simply too much for him, he aint good enough. Thats what i think, i think he is crap and I never liked bloodbath as much as opeth, neither do you son.
By the way, what was your question again:heh:

Missing the point, gawd...

This thread is discussing, "New album: Work has begun already....!!!!..... "

Hence, no parts for Martin Lopez, there not to difficult. :heh:
I don't usually post here, but holy fucking christ. I'm not a "Axe fanboy" (I'm actually not really fond of his style in Bloodbath and Witchery) and I think Lopez is a fantastic drummer. But have you guys (especially perpetual_black_force) ever heard how Lopez played in his previous bands? Amon Amarth would be the perfect example: it's the standard blastbeat + double bass drum style. And even on MAYH, it's pretty evident that he wasn't even nearly fully developed as a drummer. It's pretty much "Prog rock/odd time signatures for dummies".

If you consider how much Axe has developed as a drummer during this time with Opeth, I'm sure he'll soon be able to reach up to Lopez' level, if not even better.
:err: Are you questioning teh Akerfeldt !!??!!1

I must agree.
Mikael wouldn't take in a drummer which he knew would tear apart the band, I'm sure Axenrot is a great player.
Though I trully admired lopez, I think he was great, but hey, don't be hard on Axenrot, and actually...
Who are we to decide?
We're merely guys at their home writing bad stuff of drummers that most of us have barely heared (hearing a gig doesn't let you get a good impression of the drummer)...

And for the topic:
I trully hope the album will be AMAZING SPECTACULAR FASCNATING JUBILICIOUS! (wtf does that mean lol)... I didn't really like the big role the keyboard got on GR, though it made a nice effect, I hope it won't evolve to much. It's good the way it is! Yet, who the fuck am I to decide :).
Anyway, I hope (and know) it will be great!

Opeth pwn