New Album?


New Metal Member
Apr 20, 2006
Hi all, This is my first post so hey!

What does everyone think the New album will sound like? old school stuff or will they bring Joey into 2006? Cant wait for some news on it, Anthrax Rule \m/:kickass:
I don't think it's gonna be Among the Living II. I think it will be more like Sound of White Noise II, kind of like Among the living meets We've Come for You All.

By the way, have you heard about Neil Turbin &The Deathriders' album? One song is called Among the Walking Dead.:Smug:
I think it's gonna be a mixture of the last album WCFYA with the old school thrash sound, kinda metalized Bush era THRAX, gonna be kickass!

But definately not a pure old school album, I do hope it will be thrashier than the Bush era THRAX.
I hope it will be like all the Joey albums except maybe a little more thrashier? More musical breaks. It's definetly one of the most looekd forward to albums ever from my perspective because I don't know how it will turn out and it's not like I'm going to hear anything on the radio.
I hope the riffing and songwriting will be old school with an updated production. I wouldn't mind some newer influences, well...actually I probably would. But if they do it with taste I think I could get over it....
i think they'll make new vocals to the songs of dan nelson, make them less screamy and more thrashy :)
i'd be great if it were fusion of 'medusa' 'madhouse' 'i am the law' 'panic' 'be all, end all' 'schism' 'got the time' and 'room for one more' :)
solos, faster tempo, and a long instrumental like metallica's ones would supergreat!
i'd like it to be much more thasher, i don't know what is on s442, v8ttir or wcfya but hearing the sown i think how it is
soon gonna listen to s442!