New Alcest Track

Heh, yeah, too bad that once a band does something even remotely metallic, they'll be classified like that for the rest of their career.

Personally, I'm not too touched. Didn't like their previous efforts either... those vocals seem to lack any character and just turn me off, even though I'm sucker for both french and shoegaze (well, it's only a bit). Amesoeurs is great though.
Interesting side note. In an interview Neige says that he had never even heard any of these shoegazer bands before releasing anything with alcest. It was only after the fact that he did. Kinda like that one October Falls song that sounded somewhat similar to Agalloch. M had never even heard the band before.

I am actually waiting for the release date for this one :loco: I'm confident it will live up to my expectations.

@Swizzle: Slowdive, My bloody valintine, Ride, Catherine Wheel (havent actually heard this one but they seem to be mentioned with the previous bands)
isnt shoegaze that sort of mopey stuff. almost emo-ish.

people call jesu shoegaze. blah, they're more drone doom awesomeness
I don't think mopey is the right word (sounds too negative). It can be gloomy at times, but also so uplifting. The music usually washes right over you, drenched in reverb. Beautiful in creating its own ambience to be sure. Jesu definitely has shoegaze elements though.