New Alcest Track

Damn, I disliked My Bloody Valentine quite a bit... I can't remember what it sounded like, but I was unimpressed by it.
I don't think mopey is the right word (sounds too negative). It can be gloomy at times, but also so uplifting. The music usually washes right over you, drenched in reverb. Beautiful in creating its own ambience to be sure. Jesu definitely has shoegaze elements though.

Primarily on Silver and Conqueror, and that's as good a description as any I've seen...
I've now listened to the Alcest album a number of times over the last few weeks. This was probably my most anticipated release this year.

It's very, very good, although the two tracks that were sampled on the MySpace page are by far the best on the album. Those two are sensational, while the rest of the album is "only" very good. I personally think the quality of the "Le Secret" EP is better, although obviously there's been quite a change in direction since then.

By the way the DLP split of the Alcest and Angmar demos is now available to order at Northern Silence.
only got to listen to the first 3 songs off the new one. wow. excellent music for my current mood. uplifting, sun-shining-wind-blowing-in-your-face kind of music.
This definitely has a My Bloody Valentine meets Bergtatt feel to it. Pretty cool.

PS: Loveless is one of the greatest albums ever. All ya'll nuts not to suck it off regularly.
Seriously though, shoegaze fucking rules. Complex, beautiful, and shunned by all kinds of people prematurely labelled as gay. I only have a few real shoegaze albums (The Jesus and Mary Chain and My Bloody Valentine, Cocteau Twins if you count them), but the stuff is quite remarkable. This song is pretty rad, and I'll likely pick this up.

Deströyer 666 just came on. [/redeems manhood]
Uploaded the second track from the full length for a friend of mine, probably the best song from the album, so I thought I might as well share it here too.

For those of you who've yet to hear it/wants to download it/whatever:

I don't know what to make of the new Alcest. The french romance of it all can be a little overbearing. This is the sort of music I can play out loud in my household and nobody would complain. In fact, I'm pretty sure the wife would like this together with a glass of wine.

Alcest = Merlot Metal
yes, my wife likes the new alcest.

thing is, do people actually dislike it based on the music of JUST the album, without Le Secret or the black metal demo having any bearing on it? methinks people just wanted an expanded Le Secret.