New Alice in Chains production


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Just got this as per a recommendation from a client of mine.

So... did Randy mix this thing or what? Those drums are insane. The fatness of the overall record seems unreal. These are still first impressions, and I'm usually slow to warm to things!

EDIT: hahah, shit. Track 2. That's some Slate right there :lol:
This may sound weird but the drums, the snare specifically, are almost too pounding for AIC IMHO. "A Looking In View" is so ridiculously heavy that it's awesome though.

But overall, great mix, great songs... great album.
It sounds too squashed to me.. the elements are pretty good (just listening on iTunes.. the guitars in A Looking In View have the most amazing grittiness), but yeah.. too loud. Still retains a LOT of punch which is impressive.
Yeah, just saw Staub mixed it on cduniverse. It was almost obvious. He's just too freaking good.

Seriously the next time I see someone here say you can 'compete' with pro results in a bedroom with a barebones ITB set-up, I will hunt them down and poison their seed. This record is a perfect example of exactly how to engineer.

I don't even care about the squashing to be honest. It's just too good. They could've audibly clipped the entire thing, and it would still have more mixing talent involved than this entire forum put together 20 times over.

Fuck, I'm unworthy. Back to studying.
Hmm, this may be the first time in recent history that a top-level production has been applied to a band I can actually tolerate listening to - guess I'll have to investigate! :D
guess I'll have to investigate!

you fucking better...this album is sweet as shit

really the only "rock" album i've given 1/2 a shit about it since QOTSA dropped SFTD - unless you wanna count the last couple of mars volta releases
I recommend listening on something other than the Tannoys. Randy's magic seems to lie squarely around 50Hz!

Thanks, but I think I'll take my chances since these are by far the best speakers in the house, and I would hate to think that was the only thing setting him apart from the rest ;)
Yep - just to to chime in briefly - the new AIC is pure win. Amazing production, amazing songs - I actually think it may be their best album to date.

Good chance (but not positive) that a Friedman Marsha was used on this album for the guitars. Jerry uses a Marsha in the brown eye mode for his tones.

This is the same guy that modded my Windsor (and loved it). I haven't gotten it back yet, sadly. I'm waiting for the new headshell to be finished.
Jerry said he used Bogner (Über, Shiva, Fish...), Marshall, Orange, Laney, Matchless, Vox (AC 30) and many more in different combinations for the record. But there's almost always a Bogner somewhere in there. Who knows which ones then made the final mix and to what degree they're blended.

I think he didn't get the Marsha until the record was done. It's only been part of his rig for a few months now (from August on) AFAIK.
Interesting, so he changed the amps used from song to song? Being primarily a student and fan of metal, this is surprising to me :D (though as you say, who knows what made it onto the end product)
Yeah, Jerry had been using the Fish since the early days. Usually with Mesa poweramps. Nowadays William uses the Fish as part of his live rig and some people don't know that but he did actually play guitar on the record, too.