New Alice in Chains production

To me, probably nothing will ever come close to the albums and EPs they did with Layne. They captivated me on an emotional level that the new stuff can't reach. Layne's aura, his audible fragility and honesty was just so special. Jerry's always been the musical backbone of this band though and I'm glad they choose William who's an awesome musician/singer and foremost not a carbon copy at all.

So in the end, I can appreciate... no... love this new album for standing on it's own. And William has tons of charisma himself, being an extremely sophisticated (he studied philosophy) yet ultra down to earth guy. And it's almost frightening how good of a singer he became. When they were doing their first shows in 2006 you could tell he had to struggle at some parts, like that insane chorus of "Man In A Box". But nowadays, he completely jelled in, pulling off even the hardest parts with ease and passion (and sometimes even playing guitar while doing it).

He's so good now, when I saw them in Berlin in August at a very intimate club show, some people were actually leaving infuriated because they were convinced they're listening to a playback (which obviously isn't true). I am not kidding... :lol:
honestly, from a pure talent perspective, i think duvall is a lot better than layne

not only can he do everything that layne staley could...but it seems he can do plenty of stuff that he couldn't

"that's why you neeeeeeeeeeeever teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell me"...
On a technical level, I kinda agree. He is definitely less "hit or miss" than Layne was. But beyond that... William is just such a different guy and I appreciate him giving things his own spin.
With William, they found somebody of equal talent to Layne, but less tortured. And they're not pitching him as the "replacement," there's definitely more of a band vibe now with no clear frontman. Layne's spot in the band will always be missing. I don't think Alice In Chains could have possibly done a more graceful comeback, there's no such thing, and I'm excited to hear what they do next.
I loved Layne but WIllian is so good too. I think he was a perfect choice. He knows his place in the song with Jerry singing too, he plays guitar and he has that swagger and charisma.
I bought this album the other day and have listened a few times now. The clipping on it kills me but aside from that it sounds great.
Only just finally started giving this a serious, close listen.
And holy fuck, the production is out of this world.
Musically strong too.

Anyone know what pedals Jerry was using in front of his amps for this? I see mentions of amps and preamps in this thread, nothing about boost pedals
Well, he's never been a notorious boost pedal user AFAIK. I've seen a TS-808HW on his current floorboard first hand but I'm fairly sure he only engages it to boost certain sections.

He experimented with the Rat on his first solo record, as well as a Big Muff on one song, but other than that I've never heard of him using boosts on records. FWIW
AIC are AIC, they transcend every genre. They're way less a "typical" grunge band than - let's say - Pearl Jam. They're also the single most "metal" grunge band.
Well, he's never been a notorious boost pedal user AFAIK. I've seen a TS-808HW on his current floorboard first hand but I'm fairly sure he only engages it to boost certain sections.

He experimented with the Rat on his first solo record, as well as a Big Muff on one song, but other than that I've never heard of him using boosts on records. FWIW

Cheers for this info dude:)

AIC are one of those bands that just stick with you, no matter how much your tastes change. I really like the new singer too.

Been listening to them for about 5 years now. Totally agree with this
Honestly, these drums might even trump Nickelback. The intro to 'A Looking in View' is heavier to me than pig grind. Randy Staub must have mixed this, right? Nobody else is *this* good.

is this really the Sneap forum or am i in hell? i know I've been away from here a bit but holy shit, a positive Nickelback reference? and people complaining about too much limiting!!???


ARRRRGgghhhhhhhhh :ill:


This record kick the asses of any and all records in the last decade [the end]
My ONLY gripe about the production of this album is that the drums sound way too robotic. Sometimes I wonder if they were even actually performed.