New Alice in Chains production

It indeed is an amazing sounding record. I agree it's too loud but so good I don't care.

i would def. prefer if the heavy limiting wasn't so obvious, but the songs are good enough that i just have to deal with it

one of the few albums of the last decade i've felt that way about!

i also wouldn't go so far to say this is their best album...but it's definitely a solid release, and especially considering the circumstances
I'm recovering from knee surgery and I listen this album every day at least 2 times from start till end. Especially the titel track gives me shivers down my spine, it's a truly amazing rock album. Was about time AIC came with something new, but it was completely worth waiting for!
its a great great album, song wise and production, As for jerry, in the studio its always a combination of amps your hearing, not one specific one usually! the drums are insanely fat, a lookig in view is a bit too compd for my liking, but still epic as fook!
Awesomely awesome mix on this record! I had the same reaction when I first heard it.

Also, I'm GASing something fierce for one of Dave Friedman's Marsha amps. It seems to be the ultimate modded Marshall tone.

I love the sound this album has! Though it sounds much less "grunge" and a lot more "rock" now, I actually liked the older Dirt style sound more than this because everything sounded just right on it, polished but not too polished that it started moving too far away from the grunge style.
Great record and I agree that although it may seem a bit too loud, I can easily overlook it. The drums truly are thumping on this record and the guitars sound gritty but ballsy! I didn't know that William played on the album though! Great vocalist!
I love this record. I think it's a great comeback effort and the fact that jerry does most of the singing compliments the songs perfectly because of the subject matter. I could be wrong but these songs seem to be saying 'ok, let's say what we need to say and move on.'
And how ballsy is it to choose something like "A Looking In View" to be the first thing that you present to the public?! It's like "chew that and if you can stomach it, you're in for a real treat".

It's also interesting to note that they financed this album completely on their own, to have maximum freedom. If somewhere along that process they had the feeling that this wouldn't live up to their own expactations, they just would have called it a day. Only after the completion they started to shop it to labels.
Is 'A Looking In View' the single? Christ, that track is almost metal. Unfortunately it also seems to be the best on the record, musically (or maybe it's just staub's toms and pumping kick drilling that idea into me).
Is 'A Looking In View' the single? Christ, that track is almost metal. Unfortunately it also seems to be the best on the record, musically (or maybe it's just staub's toms and pumping kick drilling that idea into me).

no, 1st single is check my brain...
Is 'A Looking In View' the single? Christ, that track is almost metal. Unfortunately it also seems to be the best on the record, musically (or maybe it's just staub's toms and pumping kick drilling that idea into me).

It was the first promo/radio and digital (iTunes etc.) single (just no CD version) and video released prior to the release of actual album. Yeah, that is fucking ballsy! Not only because of the sheer heaviness but also because of it's length.

The second and third singles ("Check My Brain" and "Your Decision") came out after the release.

Edit: Slight rectifications: "CMB" dropped slightly prior to the album, but "ALIV" was released months before that.
Awesome album. Saw them live in Paris 2 weeks ago. Awesome also.

I agree it's a tad too loud/compressed. And those drums sound very Slate-ish. And that guitar tone is killer. I mean c'mon listen to the heavy "breakdown" riff in "Acid Bubbles".

My favourite track is Private Hell. Too bad they don't play it live. Saddest song ever. The guitar solo is amazing.
The whole album is incredible. The production is a benchmark for this era and I'm sure this album will be regarded as a classic, the more time passes. I hope they remaster the album at some point with less limiting, but as others have said, it sounds so good that it doesn't really matter.
imo this IS the defining comeback album, aside from Celtic Frost's "Monotheist."

favorite songs are acid bubble and a looking in view, but they change daily pretty much

a looking in view was released back in early-mid june iirc. check my brain was the 2nd single, released like 3-4 weeks before the album dropped. your decision was after it dropped.

got my tickets for the march show close to me (atlantic city), absolutely cant wait