Delivered to me last week from the guys at Krank....
I didnt want to post first impressions cause I wanted to give them both come time to sink in and really get familiar with the both of them. I have had a Krankenstein in my studio that a friend was letting me borrow and I really loved it so I had the boys at Krank send me one along with the Ninteen80.
After 7 days of playing, recording, gigging, "Krank"ing them here are my thoughts and opinions.....
Krankenstein: If your into modern high gain ala American High Gain this is your amp hands down. From shimmering cleans to Black Metal its all there in one amp. This thing is an American High Gain monster! Its got a Recto meets Soldano thing going on that I really like. Its currently replaced my 5150 in my live rig in my Metal band.
Here is a quick thing me and some friends threw together with it last week (Rough mix / Pre Pro for an upcoming CD):
Ninteen80: The best "800" ever made. Literally, all the british flavor you could ever want with tight focused low end punch. This amp is a FUCKING BEAST! HANDS DOWN the best amp I have ever owned. This thing trumps my old JMP (Sorry Lasse but it does!). It does "Brit" better then any British amp I have ever played. 2203, 2204, its all in there from 74 to 91 all the "classic" brit sounds are in there. The tube buffered FX Loop is the fucking shit. Dime it out on the KLEEN Channel and its AC/DC and KISS in a box. Kick it on the Krank Channel, and HUGE LOUD lead tones are produced with singing mids and definition. Kick it with an OD for CLASSIC 80s thrash tones. Its all there in one box.
No clips yet but coming soon. I just havent had time to sit down and record some proper stuff with it yet!
I am LOVING these amps!
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