New amp DAY!!!!

Some of the do, some don't...

Yeah, that's what i've been reading. Our other guitarist in our band has a 2205 and last night we noticed that it had crosstalk between the channels, after he tried switching out all the tubes. He can't remember if it was like that before, or if it's something that just developed and somehow someone turned up the volume on the "clean" channel and he had never had it up before.
i recently sold my 1985 jcm800 2210 head.
damn, what i fine amp. superb lead tone especially, also cut through a live mix like a hot knife through butter. i've never recorded it, it's just WAY TOO FUCKING LOUD.
i only sold it because i needed the cash for updating my live rig (now engl fireball 100), since i need a decent clean channel and the 2210 cleans suck even more than the 5150 cleans....
i still miss the lead sound, it's sooo fucking creamy and responsive.
and no, it doesn't need a can do the heaviest of metal without one.
keep the channel volume pretty high, and play with channel volume vs gain level, on my head those were very responsive in the upper range and you could do a LOT of tone shaping with only these two controls.

i gotta say, the 2203 is even better. way less gain and no clean channel, but PUNCH and clarity like there's no tomorrow. tubescreamer/SD1/whatever in front, and you're set. if i'll ever start playing in a band that only needs one awesome dirt channel, this will be IT.