NEW amp!!! so fucking awesome!

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
Bought a new amp today. A ENGL blackmore modded by swedish amp guru Folkesson! I'm sooo pleased with the sound.

Had to record a fast clip just to share the feeling. I'm going to have a kickass weekend with it! :kickass:

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Sounds fucking unreal man, even for a youtube video! The leads really sound amazing. I'm very jealous, Always wanted an ENGL. Enjoy it, I'm sure you'll have many happy hours listening to it
congrats! that sounds pretty good!

So how would you say it compares to the savage?

haven't had the chance to crank it a a rehearsal yet but one thing that differs is that it sounds definetly ENGL. But not Savage. Savage is still the more brutal sounding amp. The blackmore sounds more rock. But I bet with some downtuned guitars and played with a SD Blackout it will probably be brutal enough.
Sounds great. :cool:

I don't know why, but this reminded me of some old sketch:

Gerhard Threadskull, the king of the riffs. :D
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