New Fucking Amp! (VHT Pittbull Ultralead)


sounds pretty good, but not better than a 5150. VHTs have that kinda dry, grainy sound to them... doesn't sound as big and mean as the 5150/recto

Lasse, out of curiosity, what do you think of the JSX? do you still own one? I don't think I've heard you use it...
First impressions ? I wished Halfords Crucible had been mixed with more of this amp tone. Also really love the bass tone it really gurgles nicely behind the dryness .
But this is just thrown together to test the amp right? with no post EQ .
Just goes to show how little work is needed on guitar tone with this amp.
I had a VHT Pittbull for a week and I just couldn't get past the "dryness" of the tone. I mean, when loud, it was PHATTTTTT sounding. I am just a "saturated" guy I think. Ended up trading it for a Cobra (high bias!ha), and never been happier.
Lasse, have you tried combining the VHT with a Recto or something like that? Btw, this tone rocks.
oh my fucking fuck (to use a technical term). God man... That SLAYS. Mind telling us the cab/speakers you were using? and out of curiosity roughly where was the mic placed (cap edge, off axis cap, middle of cone, just general descriptor like that).

Thanks so much.
damn, forgot about this thrad, sorry.
yeah, the amp is really dry and definitely not suited for every player...a LOT of the tone really is in the provides DIs wich were great.
I guess most of you know this but i didnt:

VHT is now Fryette Amplification and VHT is something completely differernet