New Fucking Amp! (VHT Pittbull Ultralead)

Hab den Pitbull mal angespielt und fand den überhaupt nicht pralle, und dann auch noch für den 2203 KK tauschen... ich bin enttäuscht. :lol:
Jesus, that amp is unforgiving!! I absolutely LOVE the blended tone... not the usual type of tone posted on this forum, but it sounds fucking awesome and vibey as hell!

This is my favorite tone posted by you, Lasse - very very impressed!
Great sounding amp if you are a good player. With a crap guitarist, the amp puts it out even crappier. I really want one of these or a VH4. That 'grainy' tightness is awesome.
I can't wait to listen to this at home, because at work it just sounds like a 5150. Good tone though, but very Peavey. Maybe sounds more like a 5150 and JSX (EL34) blend than a straight 5150.
dunno....not cheap (I traded it for my 2203kk ;) )...
but it's a fucking awesome amp...also the best clean channel on any high-gainer IMO

Seriously? That's an amazing deal you got there!

Which cab are you running through for the clips?
damn, just put a chinese 12ax7 in the first slot (replaced the sovtekWB)...and holy fuck, it's even MUCH better now..niceer saturation, thicker tone....I don't dare post new clips, cause the world might implode
Fuck me that clip sounded good but with the uber, massive! They complement each other perfectly! Would also like to hear pitbull + jvm, I think theyd click together aswell.

Lasse, with your amp collection and superstrats I don't know how you find time to work!