New Amp


The Fuckin' Man
Jul 3, 2005
ok, i don't know where else to put this because basically every other forum is a band forum. anyway, i'm looking at getting a new amp head. i currently have a Randall Titan head 300w. i'm hoping to sell it and get a new head only. any suggestions for some? i want to get the classic thrash sound, but also able to keep a modern death metal feel.
Mesa is probably the amp for you. Dual Rectifier.
Also, Marshalls may be old-school, sorta, but it all depends on what you play. Most classic thrash was played through Marshalls (and still is).
Thanks, yeah i tried a Mesa triple rectifier today. i really like the sound. i don't like how there was no reverb at all on the head, and the price was a bit much. i'll probably try out the dual rectifier soon, and a i need to find a place that sells kranks around here.