New Anthrax album


Feb 14, 2002
I think for the new album they should inject a little more thrash into the guitars. But new style. I love W.C.F.Y.A. but they should take that format and make a more 50/50 mix of thrash/speed stuff with the new thrax style. Basically 50% Joey and 50% John style put in a blender and I think Anthrax could rule the world once again!
Rule the world once again? I don´t know. Nothing would really change if they returned to more thrash style. We´ve discussed it here like shitloads of times. I personally think Anthrax is in the best shape now. The live shows have incredible power. The kick ass latest album, totally kick ass DVD. Media don´t give a flying fuck about Anthrax today and that´s the problem, not the direction of music or guitar sound. See Megadeth, after Risk they returned to "thrash" and no one gave a rat´s ass anyway. The album sold fucking poorly. Anthrax´s problem is that they couldn´t reach people. I´ll give you a true story from the Czech festival Anthrax headlined recently. After the show, I ran into my old friend nicknamed Richie, who has been a rock fan forever and as I could see, he was totally blown away by what he had seen. He went: "Fuck, Johnnie, they totally kicked ass! I thought Anthrax would be some kind of cheesy 80 metal act!"
I was like "hey come on, this is the best band ever."
R.: "How come you fuckin didn´t tell me about them? Are you gonna borrow me all their CDs?"
...and this happens every time.
LOAroberto said:
Yeah maybe your right dude. But for me personally I would like to hear more What dosent die style songs.
Don´t think I wouldn´t. Actually doing something in style of Caught In A Mosh would be pretty cool.
it sounds so lame but in the lead up to volume 8 they kept saying this was the best shit ever and to me it didnt deliver,when i heard the same sort of talk about wcfya i could only dream that it could be true and boy did they deliver the goods.

more of the same with good songs thats the bottom line
I wouldn't change a thing.
Their progression from alabum to album has been amazing. Each album is different, but kicks ass.
I trust the next album will not disappoint.
no they have a nice way of totally changing and kicks ass anyway, but they need less os safe home, abnd mnore of what doesent die, and nobody knows anything. and return to their earlier styles.
I understand why people don't like Safe Home.
However, it sure would be nice to here the band on radio with a huge hit. They deserve it after all these years of busting ass and creating great metal.

I say this, because I think Safe Home was intended for radio.
I dont think they have to change much. Still stay in Db, cause it sounds perfect.
I agree with some guys in here that more What Doesn't Die style shit.
Keep the thrash going.

Because you can not kill...What Doesn't Die :rock: :rock: :rock: