New Anthrax cd


Apr 14, 2001
This album rules! !
Everyone should go buy it, I thought it was great on the first listen, but I gave it a few days to see if my opinion changed, but its only gotten better! Its heavy, its catchy and if Metallica can beat this album ill be very happy indeed /forum/images/smilies/smile.gif

Go get it! !
I have the Best Of and a couple of the older Anthrax cds but this is better by far /forum/images/smilies/smile.gif (I never really saw why Anthrax was supposed to be so great, I didnt mind them, but nothing really leaped out at me as being brilliant until now)

The vocalist (John Bush) is great, what other stuff has he done?

Well he was on the last 3 Anthrax albums too.... Volume 8 and Stomp 442 SUCK. They are awful. The Sound Of White Noise is good for what it is but its not my thing, I don't really like it. It also sounds nothing like Anthrax, not even a single trace of their sound was on that album at all, every single aspect was different! I mean it was even more different than comparing Load to Ride The Lightning!

I like Neil Turbin, the vocalist on Fistful Of Metal, the best personally.

Before Anthrax, John Bush was in Armoured Saint. I haven't heard them though.
Armoured Saint rocked - I've only heard Nod to the Old School though, or whatever it was called. They also had the great Joey Vera on bass. :headbang:
It's so cool that yet another URL I thought of is thanked in a CD by a famous band. :) Pity I don't get royalties for it though... :(
So does it have a local release?? And Stomp 442 and Vol 8 are my fav 'thrax albums..maybe im just crazy the biggest problem with Stomp was that it never was given a good push by the record label..
[color=#AOEOOA]Persistance is one of my favourite Anthrax albums.

Volume 8 was fucking awesome in my opinion also.

With 'We've Come For You All', the standout tracks IMO are Safe Home, Refuse To Be Denied, Taking The Music Back and Cadillac Rock Box.

They are great tracks, the album doesn't flow as well as Vol 8 does but it's still quality.[/color]
The only song I like on Volume 8 is "Inside Out".

The first Anthrax album is easily the best imo. Neil Turbin rocks :) He's so metal thrashing maaaaaaaaad! :headbang: :lol: