New Anthrax EP in September??!???


Old School since '86
Oct 26, 2003
I thought this wasn't going to happen but apparently it still is. Excert from an interview ( - is this legit?

Denver Westword: Tell us about the new EP ANTHRAX has coming out. Is it cuts left over from "Worship Music"? Is it already recorded? Do you have a release date set?

Charlie Benante: Well, we're going to put it out in September, a year after the release of the record. So, we're just looking to that release. Basically, it's going to be made up of a bunch of really cool cover tunes and some live songs too.

Denver Westword: Are the live songs recordings from the last tour?

Charlie Benante: Yep.

Denver Westword: What bands are covered?

Charlie Benante: The covers that we did are basically a collection of bands and songs we love from the '70s. It may consist of RUSH, BOSTON, JOURNEY and CHEAP TRICK. So, it's a really cool collection of tunes.
I think it's true. Scott was trying to keep it hush hush, but it didn't work out that way...but I don't know for sure though. I'm just speculating.
RUSH, BOSTON, JOURNEY and CHEAP TRICK, omg i thought that Anthrax is a metalband.

The funny thing about cover songs is you don't have to play them EXACTLY like the original. You can add some distortion if you want. That's not against the rules.
i had hoped that the era of covering rock-songs instead of writing new kick ass-metal was over when 'Worship Music' was so well received by metal fans and put them back on the map. looks like i was wrong.
@sooterville: 1) i go away when i want to go away
2) there are many bands that i like
3) what's your problem with me not being excited about Anthrax releasing an ep with rock-covers?
I have no problem with this - it keeps the creative juices flowing and gives us fans something new inbetween Worship & the new album.
I have no problem with this - it keeps the creative juices flowing and gives us fans something new inbetween Worship & the new album.

Exactly! I agree too. I don't understand why ANYONE would have a problem with it?? It's just MUSIC! Not sure what's more annyoing...someone whining about an 'in between albums' project, or complaining about Rob's beanie or Joey's hair.
@sooterville: 1) i go away when i want to go away
2) there are many bands that i like
3) what's your problem with me not being excited about Anthrax releasing an ep with rock-covers?

I don't care if you're excited or not. Just thought the 'I was wrong' comment was a little premature just because of some 'covers' ep they are working on. It would be justifiable if your comment is made 1-2 yrs after the covers Ep and there's no signs of new album coming.
RUSH, BOSTON, JOURNEY and CHEAP TRICK, omg i thought that Anthrax is a metalband.

ya know...sometimes age and experience really show on here :Spin: .

The thing is Anthrax is a metal band and you are correct, however the best musicians tend to expand their personal music horizons far beyond what they play themselves.

I tend to think it channels their abilities and provides them ideas. Cover songs are a great idea when forward thinking musicians do them right.

I think Anthrax will do amazing things with the songs they picked out. I mean this isn't going to be another crazy ass cover session with Henry Rollins belting out Led Zeppelin...back in 1994. just saying :yow: