The Nightmare Has Begun..
Friends, an update on my personal musical endeavors....

Right now I'm in demo mode and have finished working on 2 new songs
for AVIAN and also two for KRUCIBLE

Tenative titles for these songs are....

1"Lost & Forsaken"
2 "Into the Other Side"

1 " Intentions"
2 "Reborn"

The KRUCIBLE tunes will most likely be available shortly in demo mode
on the bands Myspace site at

AVIAN songs, were keeping tight for a little while and make you sweat it out,

I'm very pleased with the way both are coming out!:rock:
Well folks if you want to hear the new KRUCIBLE material i can tell you where to hear it, and be the first on your block to hear it. COME TO TEXAS MADFEST!!!!!!! July 13 and 14 in Houston texas, and see the first performance of KRUCIBLE with LANCE handling the vocal duties. the only way to describe my feelings of this AWESOME!!!!!!!!!
Looking forward to hear Krucible... For some reason I think this band has lots of potential...

As far as Avian goes, the first album didn't grab me much, the only thing I liked a lot was the fact that Lance was on it. That being said, I will still give the new one a deserved chance when it comes out!
I'd love to promote the Krucible stuff on my radio show. I was in talks years ago when Gregg Gill was in the band and helped promote them back then as well.

Ive been a an avid follower of the whole Z-Lot-Z / Krucible thing for a long time so Id LOVE to help spread the word.
AVIAN, the melodic metal band featuring singer Lance King (BALANCE OF POWER, PYRAMAZE)and guitarist Yan Leviathan, has set "Ashes and Madness" as the title of its new CD, tentatively due in early 2008. According to the group, "Mattias Norén [EPICA, EVERGREY, INTO ETERNITY, MANTICORA, CLOUDSCAPE] has once again handled all of the art duties and he has done a killer job constructing a visually stunning 16-page booklet." The band continues, "Bill Hudson [CELLADOR] will handle all of the guitar solos on the album! Additionally, the drums will be played by our good friend Jerry B; some of you have seen him play live with us and are well aware of what a monster he is."

Yan Leviathan assembled AVIAN after being inspired by GAMMA RAY's performance at the ProgPower USA III festival.

Lance King is a well-respected and seasoned vocalist who has received critical acclaim and the support of legions of fans from his work in such bands as BALANCE OF POWER, GEMINI and PYRAMAZE, SHINING STAR, and now also KRUCIBLE and owner of Nightmare Records) .

AVIAN's debut album, "From the Depths of Time", was released in 2005.

For more information, visit the bands BRAND NEW WEBSITE!!! <a href=""><a/>.
I heard Krucible on the prog power disc and I REALLY, REALLY, liked it!!! Love those high notes!