New Axe FX tune - "Forward Progress" - Superior2/SLS/BKPs


Aug 13, 2008
Tried a bunch of new shit on this one... new Axe tone that blends a Diezel & Powerball to get an almost-Invader sound, changed from mastering with a C4 & L2 to using Gclip, switched to the Superior 2 kick from the old superior kick, tried to get a louder mix.. but stopped before it got as loud & bright as a bulb mix.

This is what I ended up with. Has some rough edges, and is about half as long as I would like. but without vocals, it gets pretty boring, so I figured I'd just shorten it up for instrumental purposes. So if it seems abrupt, its because half of the tune is missing :) All guitar & bass parts are 100% Axe
Actually, the mid-section proves to me that it doesn't need much EQ at all...

Great tone.

When I get some time I'm going to move the different guitar parts to different tracks so I can tweak them independently.

Sorry but I don't like it much. Its 'good' but nothing compared to what others having been getting. Also the drum mix is weak as shit, especially the snare, which doesn't help.

I disagree on all counts and am not changing the drum sound. And who are you comparing it to? Odds are, I'm not going for the same kind of tone..
Not bad man, though I can barely hear the kick, and the snare feels too thin and low in volume for me. As for the guitar tone, I find it a little lacking in the presence department and a bit "wooly" sounding in the mids (though that may be the bass, you might wanna notch out a bit around 150-300), but it has potential to be sure!

Morgoe, one word dude - TACT, jeebus :erk:
Not bad man, though I can barely hear the kick, and the snare feels too thin and low in volume for me. As for the guitar tone, I find it a little lacking in the presence department and a bit "wooly" sounding in the mids (though that may be the bass, you might wanna notch out a bit around 150-300), but it has potential to be sure!

Morgoe, one word dude - TACT, jeebus :erk:

It turns out the mix that uploaded wasn't the same as the one I was listening to in Cubase... superior unloaded the SS1796 or whatever it is so the snare had no body :( I'm meeting up with Enditol right away so we are goin to work through the guitar tone.. I'm trying to get a nice mid heavy sound and it just isn't working for me at the moment
Morgoe, one word dude - TACT, jeebus :erk:

Sorry, I did come across pretty harsh but I stand by what I said.. I agree the tone is very organic but I don't like it much, but I guess thats just taste because everyone else seems to like it.

I do urge you to work more on the drum tone.. the kick has a strange top-end and is quite hard to hear. The snare isn't actually bad, I do like the trashy tone of it, but the velocity gets dropped heaps in the middle (:57) and thats what I was referring to.
Listening to it on a different set of speakers the snare is thin as hell. I dunno why there is such a big difference between my monitors and normal speakers on this tune. And I'm going switch back to the superior 1 kick.. the S2 sounds better on its own but never fits the mix.