New bass guitar


New Metal Member
Aug 31, 2011
I play bass in a prog death metal band and use a ibanez gio soundgear 5 string and am interested in upgrading to a better bass for recording any suggestions dont want to spend more than 1,500 usd and need at least a five string but am more than willing to upgrade to more strings if it calls for it. Any help would be appreciated
You can get a monstrous bass for that amount used. I paid around that for my this and significantly less for this.
Certainly a classic like an MIA jazz or a stingray would be great as well but I would for a deal on something cool and different.
+1 big one on the spector, no way to try a roscoe here, but the look awesome!
I enjoy my music man, but imho it depends on your playing style a bit, they have
a special sound and especially for prog/tech death metal, they can are either
super awesome or bad :D
Im rockin one of these right now,


ESP Surveyor 5

Cant say enough good things about it!

It has the EMG Musicman pickup in the bridge that is fat as fuck !

At least ry one before deciding/settling on anything else,

The LTD version isnt far different from the ESP either if you want to save some money.