New Behemoth......

Yeah this is why I don't dig too many recent death metal bands. Too much focus on musicianship, not enough on songwriting. The ones I do like sound like they started out in the mid 90s.

You should check out Dead Congregation, dude. Its like the best parts of Morbid Angel, Immolation, and Incantation thrown into one beast of a death metal album. Total evil atmosphere, and you will break your neck headbanging to Graves of the Archangels. Best newer death metal band, IMO.

I'm on it.
I agree with Max about newer death metal completely, it's mostly boring as shit and is more like a sports competition than actual music.

but I also don't care to much for retro death metal bands like dead congregation. I like it to be halfway retro, where the ideas go back to the glory days but the production doesn't purposely sound like the 90s. The latest bloodbath and hail of bullets, for example.
I prefer the retro production really. I feel it fits better with all forms of extreme metal: thrash, death, black. So I'm okay with bands deliberately going with that sound, even if it is a bit gimmicky. I guess it just comes out to personal taste (omg, i'm respecting someones opinion).

That said, Hail of Bullets kicks ass, wish I had caught their set at MDF.
the biggest problem with most tech today is that they overuse blast beats and they compensate for not really being too tech by just playing everything really fast.

if you slow down the faceless and necrophagist songs they are not even close to being as technical playing-wise and especially harmonically as stuff us oldschool guys have grown to recognize as being technical like jarzombek shit, spiral architect, cynic, theory in practice, martyr etc.

but the kids love the blast beats and love arguing on youtube you plays faster bass drums kolias or roddey, so I don't see this trend stopping any time soon.