New Black Dahlia Murder album coming out!!


Aug 30, 2006
I wish this forum had a tbdm forum, but it doesn' I figured I post a thread about it here. BDM is pretty much the newest mainstream death band that has any good relation to the melodeath style, and if anyone could have saved it, it coulda been them. Sadly, alot of their music kinda fades and blends into the same sound as like whitechapel or something, and doesn't really get creative all that much, but BDM has a couple epic songs out there that really break the mold of what death metal is doing now, mainly with their Miasma album, so I support them generally. Since i discovered them with Miasma, i've been constantly hoping they'd pull a semi-Dark Tranquillity and stay heavy, but get really creative too. They sounded like a band that'd end up having some strings n stuff thrown in, and maybe keyboards, but you know, they're on metal blade so fat chance of that happening, it seems all that label does it make bands go brutal and boring.

But anyway, BDM have anothe cd coming out called Deflorate, and preveiws are up on Amazon. It sounds kinda eh, couple of the tracks sound like classic BDM which is a fairly good thing. Sadly, alot of the songs sound metal-blade-inized which means just boring songs made for hxc kids. Strangest thing is the album cover, its a really colorful sciency thing and looks whack compared to the album because it sounds no where near as colorful as the artwork. Actually, i'de say the artwork is probably going to be more fun to look at than the cd's going to sound, at least when the covers were all dark, you could say 'hey, this band's mood seems cool'.

Meh...I mean, I like BDM, but I hate that there is no room in the music industry for modern death bands to grow like they did 15 years ago. In the 90's, all the death bands decided they could do OTHER THINGS than what they're first album sounded like, yet every single death band now tries to do exactly the same thing on each cd. BDM is no exception. The only creativity that's even going around is in gay bands like My Chemical Romance and Fallout Boy, because at least they put like all kinds of shit into it. But modern death bands think its too much to even have stringed intro songs or 5-min album closers. Look at any cd by JFAC, Suicide Silence, ect ect and its all exactly the same. These are the bands that SHOULD be experienting, as they aren't bad bands, but they keep putting out the same old stale stuff.

*sorry for rant*
You can check out one track to it's full extent @

Just scroll down...and click play

I think they are progressing to be honest...Sounds better then the last album...not that it was bad at all.

But the question I ask myself is, why endure substandard albums and wade through this so called New Wave of American Metal, which is just a bastard child of metalcore (already a bastard) and melodeath (both of which I hate, FTMP) to end up praising the small progress made by a few of the bands? I am not really trying to dissuade anyone who likes these bands. It really is a question I ask myself. I find myself curious about these bands from time to time, but I always end up disappointed. Even on an album from this scene which I like (KSE - The End of Heartache), I am constantly conflicted by the percentage of the album I dislike.
Nocturnal is one of my fav metal albums ever...seriously...I don't care what anyone says....It's got some of the sickest drumming Ive heard in a long time and the riffs and solos they come up with make me head bang like crazy...They've come a long way, along with that album cover that even throws back to the 90s. Pure Swedish worship but in a good way, mixed with a little cannibal corpse.

Nocturnal is one of my fav metal albums ever...seriously...I don't care what anyone says....It's got some of the sickest drumming Ive heard in a long time and the riffs and solos they come up with make me head bang like crazy...They've come a long way, along with that album cover that even throws back to the 90s. Pure Swedish worship but in a good way, mixed with a little cannibal corpse.


Too bad the music still sucks (and yes that is a cool cover).