new blog from Mike - Eternal Summer!


May 2, 2006
Helsinki, Finland

Eternal Summer!

Ahhh...nice weather! We have a day off and we're in.....I don't even know! Sad!
I have a little cold (again).....and it sucks, but I'll be better soon.
Last night in Toronto and the night before in Montreal was MAD! I love Canucks!
Love all of you of course WOW!

I did a little guest spot with Dream theater on the 2nd NYC show. Song a verse and a chorus for the song "Repentence" which is an awesome song. Thing is when I got on stage my mic was switched off and the crowd could enjoy me singing without hearing a word. The Port and the rest of th DT guys played it over again so I could sing it with sound as well. I was literally dying up there! How embarrassing...yet, it was great fun and at least I got to sing it in the end. Great cheers for me too which I appreciate of course.

Axe and the other drummers did a drumsolo with the Port on the first night which was a gas! We got it all on film, as well as my own "performance"...might make it available sometime...or maybe not....!

Got some copies of "Watershed" and it looks awesome...especially the Special edition. Watched the documentary again and it's great fun. What a bunch of fucking bums we's unbelievable!

Gearing up for the rest of the shows today...need to remedy myself a little. We have also set up a few signing sessions in Europe. One in Paris, one in Amsterdam, one in Stockholm and one in Gothebourg. If you wanna come and say hi...check out for info on where it's at, as I don't really know myself.

Anyways you good people of the earth...just giving you a little update...
Take care

Link to the original blog

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The studio diaries and documentaries are definitely one of my favorite things that any band can do. Good to get a feeling of knowing a band whom you respect and enjoy so much.
Nice video and nice blog!

About the signing sessions... there is this small country the band will have to cross to travel from Amsterdam to Paris. It would be great if you guys could stop by ;)
About the signing sessions, I'm still quite surprised to see Opeth in a Virgin Megastore... 5 minutes from my home.
Should I get some weapons and armour to get my Watershed copy signed, or is it OK most of the time?
Gëist;7282851 said:
About the signing sessions, I'm still quite surprised to see Opeth in a Virgin Megastore... 5 minutes from my home.
Should I get some weapons and armour to get my Watershed copy signed, or is it OK most of the time?

my guess is that u probably need to be there few hours before to get a good spot in the line otherwise they will close the gate in front of your face :D