mike's new mysbace blog


Dec 26, 2006
Guitars and metal, we’re coming to town....!

Hello people!

We made it! First tour in support of "Watershed" nailed down! We really enjoyed the Progressive nation tour, all of us. It was one of the smoothest and quickest runs we've ever done. Great company too! All the guys from Dream theater are so nice. I got painfully aware of how much The Port likes to mess things up for their support bands on the final show. As we entered the stage in Tampa/Florida there were porn pics taped to my wedges, the drum kit was covered in baby powder, he kept going on and off stage with a broom sweeping it over my pedals, over the keyboards, drums. He was throwing bread and grapes in my head as we're playing, and obviously started messing with the curtain during "The drapery falls". Nice! We got him back though. I think us and the guys from BTBAM took charge of the paypack. During Dream Theaters set we decided to play some golf on the side of the stage. Hitting the balls (plastic of course) at the band. We actually (no names) hit James LaBrie in the head! He looked a little pissed actually, but he should blame the Port, haha! Oh yeah, we put a banana in Mikes mic stand (the one that swings around) + when he got up from his chair (as he's doing during shows) we slipped a little pie up on it. Childish? Yes. Fun? Oh yes!

We also had James come up and sing a little bit on "In my time of need" which was a big honour! Great guy! All of them were! Genuine people the lot of them, and their crew!

I was also very impressed with 3 and BTBAM. 3 blew me away actually! What a band! I'm sure we'll cross paths with all these guys again.

Oh, I guess you heard about the fire curtain in Miami? Well, it's fun in a way, but that thing could have made some damage. It was a heavy fucking thing that would probably had knock us out good if we'd gotten it in the head. But indeed….Spinal fucking Tap!!

And, now the album's been released and all! It's going well! We got in the fucking charts….! Number 1 in Finland! What the hell??? Number 23 on Billboard?? Sick! I mean, I thought I wouldn't be affected by great chart positions like that but I can't help but to feel it's kinda cool! For an album like "Watershed" I think it's pretty insane it's in any charts at all. Still very pleased with this album and we'll start playing more songs from it soon.

We've been brainstorming a little over what songs we're gonna play on the headlining tours. It's difficult to choose….!!!!

Mendez became a dad a few days ago! He got a son called Noak. I've seen a picture of him and he's very sweet! Loads of hair! Hair apparent!

I'm very happy that I can share my situation with another band member. Usually me and our guitar tech, Coty sit around talking about our kids. He's got a daughter who's just a little older than Melinda. Being away all the time it's comforting talking about your kids with someone in the same situation. Most people don't understand how stressful it is to be away from them.

In Austria (Nova rock) we'd scheduled a gig that clashed with Noak's birtdate, so we had to bring in a replacement for that one. We found a guy called Johan Niemann who'd been playing with Therion. Great guy and he did a great job, but I admit it was very awkward playing a show without Mendez. The king! He'll be back for the next one though…

OK, gearing up for Turkey which is the next show. Can't wait!

Well, I have to go help my wife with the garden now. My life is confusing…confusingly lovely sometimes!

Cheers guys!
"hair apparent" ROFL, hahahahahaha, fucking awesome. thanks for posting this. GODDAMNIT i wish i could see them :(( :mad:
"I'm very happy that I can share my situation with another band member. Usually me and our guitar tech, Coty sit around talking about our kids. He's got a daughter who's just a little older than Melinda. Being away all the time it's comforting talking about your kids with someone in the same situation. Most people don't understand how stressful it is to be away from them."

Good for you, Mike. I don't know how you stay away for as long as you do, it must be incredibly difficult. Having someone to talk to about it who really understands helps :) Being a dad is the absolute BEST!!!