New Bloodbath shirt design featuring artwork by Wes Benscoter @


living, breathing
Apr 29, 2001
Solitary Refinement
The newest Bloodbath shirt design is also the most brutal. The front has the Bloodbath logo in white/silver and the cover of the Nightmares Made Flesh North American release drawn by Wes Benscoter (ZOMBIE). The back has 'Suck my Guts' splattered with blood/guts and flies. Check some images and order it from exclusively.
I would, if it weren't so violent and scary!! Is there one with only the logo?
I want the plain logo shirt please!!

I don't like the new design, no offense.. it's just too cluttered on the front and the colors don't match, and "suck my guts" is somewhat of an....odd....catchphrase... :D
Oinkness said:
I want the plain logo shirt please!!

I don't like the new design, no offense.. it's just too cluttered on the front and the colors don't match, and "suck my guts" is somewhat of an....odd....catchphrase... :D

The plain logo shirt was limited edition so i dont like ur chances there.

The new shirt's fuckin brutal and it is awesome but the previous 2 were better in my opinion.

I'll stick with my plain logo shirt thanks ;)
Yeah me to, but I guess I will buy one, but that's only because I missed the other two :(

I want the black one with red logo on the front!
I hope these are the 100% preshrunk things...but im buying one anyway because im still pissed i missed out on the others.

EDIT: Ordered! :headbang:
Mantraschism said:
From where does this shirt ship? I hate waiting forever for something to get here from Sweden, so I hope it's America.

It's shipping from Raleigh, North Carolina (USA). As stated on the order page: "Shipping on this item will begin March 14th". However they will actually arrive today, so all the orders that have come in thus far will go out today as well.. and everything is either shipped first class (within the US) or air mail (everywhere else). [size=-1][size=-2][/size][/size]