NEW BULB ROUGH CLIP WITH THE 8 STRING!! (podxt, dfhs, sansamp bd)


Jan 4, 2007
Hey guys!

Lately i have been getting a lot of comments about the 8 string and the lack of new clips with it, so i decided to buckle down, take a break from EP recording and mixing and lay down some riffs and see what would come of it.

This is what i have so far:
or for all you myspacers
(the song is called "the focus hour")

So yeah i used the podxt for guitars (bigbottom amp and v30 cab) and this time around i used the my bassist's sans amp bass driver because when your bass is doing F an octave below your 8 string, you really need all the help you can get from your low end haha! The rest of the tweaking was done in the mix, because mixing an 8 string is a whole different ball game, and things sit very differently when you are playing in that lower range. The drums as usual are drumkit from hell superior. Anyways i hope you guys dig it!

Uber sweet. sounds great as always man.

What pick ups were in the 8 string? And are you using the POD stomps to clean up the low end before the ampsim or real stomps?

One of the guitarists in TesseracT has just switched from his old 6 js seris to a cheaper ibanez 7 from the 90's but the tone is slick man! mostly because of the wood and passive pickups, and not the emg's.

When some money comes in I reckon it''ll be bareknuckle pick ups for us though. They rock imo, oh and a black machine or two.
...And are you using the POD stomps to clean up the low end before the ampsim or real stomps?

One of the guitarists in TesseracT has just switched from his old 6 js seris to a cheaper ibanez 7 from the 90's but the tone is slick man! mostly because of the wood and passive pickups, and not the emg's.

When some money comes in I reckon it''ll be bareknuckle pick ups for us though. They rock imo, oh and a black machine or two.

Nice playing BUlb
hey thanks a lot dudes!
willshrd:the patch is up on in the patch library!

diblan:as for the bass, its my regular schecter 5 string with strings that are really just not made to handle that low tuning, cuz they were sorta just flopping around, i need to get some heavy gauge strings for that...

moose: yeah i use the fxboost stomp on the pod, works well enough for me, i have experimented with using my tubescreamer and ns2 in front, and although it sounds good, im too lazy hahaha! you can be sure that when money comes my way that im going to try out some bareknuckles, i only hear great things about them!

the shred: although its hella hard to get sounding right, especially with my currently floppy strings, i have been tuning it an octave lower than the guitar and just doing everything possible to extract tone from it hahah, damn i really need those heavy strings!!
Awesome! Is it that Ibanez Prestige 8 string you got? I love the look of that, I was thinking about getting a new 7 string but then I was curious about the 8. I have enough £££££ but im dead set on a new half stack, so it can wait :)

Very Meshuggah! Love it :kickass:
nah i have a custom 8 string that was built by Illustrated Guitars for me, wayy better than the ibanez hehe, especially because the ibby only has a 27inch scale, when you really should be using a 30 inch scale if you want good tension and response on your low strings...
but yeah here is a pic:
Holly shit dude, I really like the track! I actually agree with Keith, clean vox would do wonders for the track, not only because growls, screams, etc have been over done in this style. Something low and haunting \m/
thanks dudes!

the dude: i will look into that and see what i can fix! thanks!

neb and keith: i still dont know what will become of this song, maybe it will have lead lines and solos or maybe vocals, but i love my vocalists scream so most likely that would be there, if any of you guys wanna do some clean vocals over it and send it my way, i would definitely love to hear your ideas!

Fuentealba: you can get it off of in the patch library in the downloads section, you do have to sign up however!