New Cabinet/Vintage 30 speaker question!

Well I've heard conflicting opinions on both sides of the argument, but I figure might as well go for 8 ohms if you've got the choice and it won't cost any extra!
Nah, the only thing I could see inside my Recto cab that wasn't 4 speakers and a box was the tuning post sticking out from the baffle, which I guess is designed to transfer resonances from the baffle to the back cover (and it had this squishy tape stuff at the end, naturally so the back cover wouldn't scrape against it. It's a decent sized piece of wood too, I think it was a 2x4. Oh, and no insulation/sound deadening of any kind inside!
Yup, and a quick google search turned up a pic!

Oh yeah, so they do - interesting! Though considering how cheap Recto OS cabs are here anyway, I don't really see the point, but for those abroad it'd be a pretty good deal I'd imagine!
Oh yeah, so they do - interesting! Though considering how cheap Recto OS cabs are here anyway, I don't really see the point, but for those abroad it'd be a pretty good deal I'd imagine!

Come on dude, you know i'm just trying to justify my Randall cab. hahaha :lol:
I have the XLT which is the "traditional" size. I love it, only have recorded a couple projects with it, but as a "live" cab it slays. I will say that the tolex on it is very fragile for lack of a better word, but other than that, no complaints. I've been very happy with it.

As for the recording, It's hard to judge, but i'm only in Eflat tuning so for me I don't really have a problem, but I also haven't really had the chance to compare to a mesa trad or standard. So in that regard I can't really make a comparison.

Still haven't tried the cabinet direct outs, but I will get to that pretty soon. Even though I'll probably never use it, it would be nice to know what it can deliver.
id be interested to hear a proper tonal difference between the 8 ohm cab and a 16 ohm in the same cab, and all speakers vary soo much in tone anyway, the impedence issues are the tiniest tone issue, and i always went off the fact the higher the impedence, the better sound/tonal qualities represented?